The Chaos

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** Updates, Updates my fellow readers....let's watch some drama. Let me get my popcorn *smirk* **

---Third Person's Prov ------------------------


And suddenly Taehyung felt being pulled out from Jungkook's grasp and tumbled up back. It happened so fast that when Taehyung opened his eyes, he saw Minjae's back faced to him.

"YOU! move aside I want to talk to Taehyung" Jungkook said curling his hands into fist. How dare he comes between us...Jungkook thought.

"You better stay away from Taehyung, I am warning you." Minjae moved a bit to hide Taehyung's view from Jungkook.

Jungkook was not having it today, the monster was unleashed within him and only Taehyung was what he needs now. He moved his hand to grab Taehyung who was now shielded behind Minjae.

The blue haired male was about to stop them, when suddenly Minjae punched Jungkook making the ravenette stumble back a bit. The ravenette now had a bruise on his cheek with bit  blood on his now split lip.

Jungkook smirked while spitting the remains of blood off his tongue, and punched Minjae across his face making the other fall on the ground with a groan while Jungkook now on top.

Jungkook was continuously punching Minjae, while Minjae side kicked Jungkook off him and raised his fist to return the punch. That exact moment Jungkook grabbed Minjae's fist and kicked against the other male's abdomen making Minjae fall back on his back a few feet. Still laying on the floor, curses and groans escaped Minjae's mouth.

Minjae was no match to Jungkook, Taehyung knew it and he was worried for the outcome. He had to do something, with his trembling hand he called Tae-hee to come near balcony area as fast as possible with first aid kit.

But Minaje and Jungkook were not ready to stop, Jungkook after the first punch had successfully avoided the hits, but Minjae blocked only few causing him to now have more bruises on his face and body.

"STOP, please" Taehyung cried out now slumping down on the ground. This is not what he had expected tonight...this was all because of him... Taehyung now blamed himself.

On, hearing Taehyung's cry both the males stopped their fight to see the blue haired beauty crying out loud now sitting on the floor.

Luckily no staff was present to watch the drama it would have been bad for the reputation of all three, with Headlines flashing the next day.

Both the males were about to move towards the blue haired beauty, but their head snapped at the sound of heels, someone running towards them.

"Hey, Taehyung, Tae...I am here okay. Please calm down" Tae-hee hugged the blue haired when she saw him crying seated on the floor. Her gaze then halted on Minjae and her eyes widen at the state of her lover, having bruise and cut on his lip and surely a bruise forming on his lower side on his torso since there were foot print mark on the white shirt. Then her gaze turned towards the other male, and she immediately knew who it was. Who can cause Taehyung to cry out loud and making Minjae to go berserk...the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

She sighed, finally Taehyung had calmed down, his eyes now red and puffy along with his red nose. She gave him a peck on his forehead.

"Tae I will take Minjae with me okay, I need to treat him" Taehyung on hearing this now stared once again at Minjae and tears started to roll down again, he was the reason Minjae was hurt so badly.

"Tae-hee" Taehyung softly said tears still rolling down.

"Yes Tae?"

"I am sorry, please tell Minjae I- I am sorry" Tae-hee gave Taehyung a nod and started helping her boyfriend to stand giving him support.

"Kim Minjae stop protesting and come with me...or we are over" Tae-hee said in frustration, she knew Jungkook and Taehyung will need some moment and it was enough interference.

Minjae finally gave up and walked away with his girlfriend's support.

Jungkook was not able to look towards Taehyung, he didn't want to meet those eyes. This was not how he had planned, he wanted to talk to Taehyung and clear out everything and prove the blue haired male how much he loves him. He don't know how long he was seated in the position with now blood dried down his nose and lips.

Suddenly he heard some shuffling, this was it, Taehyung was going to walk away Jungkook thought. But suddenly he heard a sniff near him and turned his head up to come across with Taehyung mere inch away from him.

---Taehyung's Prov-----------------------

It has been minutes Tae-hee had taken Minjae away from the scene. It has been minutes Jungkook had not moved from where he was seated on floor. I wanted to look into those onyx eyes but he was looking down. My heart broke to see him in this state, he needed to be treated. Should I call Jin hyung and let him take Jungkook? Will I be able to leave him in such a state?

I don't know what happened to me but I got up from my place and carried the first aid box Tae-hee had left on the floor. I took slow steps toward the ravenette, but he was still looking down.

Just for this moment I will allow my heart to act as it want.

When I sat beside him close enough to get the view of Jungkook, tears started rolling down again. The last thing I wanted was Jungkook to be hurt like this, and irony of life I was the cause of it. I tried to control by sobs, I sniffed a little moving my gaze to the first aid box to find ointment and wipes.

I could feel the gaze on me, while I was busy gathering things. I finally turned my face, to examine ravenette's face. I tried to avoid his eyes. I took the wipes and gentle tried to wipe the now dried blood near his nose.

Goosebumps rose on my skin, when I felt his thumb pressed on my cheek wiping the ongoing tears. It took all my willpower to concentrate on treating his injuries and not meet his gaze.

He hissed when I applied the ointment on the cut on his lower lip.

----Jungkook's Prov---------------------

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Taehyung close to me, mere inches away that if I moved a bit I might capture those plump lips.

My eyes never left him, memorizing every detail of blue haired beauty. Taehyung looked beautiful even when his state was all messed and cheeks tear stained, with that red nose. Tears were still slowly rolling down his cheek and I couldn't control myself. I moved my hand and pressed my thumb wiping the tears.

I felt him go stiff under my touch. Why was he avoiding to look into my eyes? I want to see those hazel eyes.

Suddenly I felt stinging sensation on my lips and I hissed a bit, but finally caught those hazel eyes staring at me with worry. I rested my thumb ceasing the eyebrows, removing the frown settled on Taehyung's face.

"I am sorry" Taehyung said and went back to treating me. I just couldn't get enough of him.

---Third Person Prov -------------------------

Taehyung was done treating Jungkook and placed back the things inside the first aid kit. Footsteps where heard at distance and Taehyung saw the person running towards them.

Jungkook heard someone running towards them but he didn't want to move his gaze from the person who was in front of him just a little further Jungkook thought. He wanted to taste those lips.

Suddenly Taehyung backed and stood up now dusting of any dust on his clothes. The ravenette caught his wrist on instant halting the blue haired male in tracks.

"Jungkook, please let me go" Taehyung pleaded looking into those onyx eyes.

"Do you still Love me?"


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