The One That Got Away

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--------- Third person prov -----------

Taehyung was exhausted by the time he reached home, he went to the bathroom and submerged himself in hot tub of water. He felt his muscles relax, he let his mind wander, a part of him wished he didn't allow himself to come home, but the other knew that no matter what excuse he made, he will always end up allowing his feet to take him home 'Seoul'.

He was asleep when the doorbell rang. He reluctantly put on his robe and went down stairs.

"Who is it?" I asked through the intercom.

"It's me Tae"

Jimin shouted from behind the door. Taehyung opened the door widely to let Jimin in, but he didn't expect Jungkook to be there as well. He shrieked and ran quickly upstairs, he was blushing madly.

He was wearing only a thin robe and nothing underneath, and it was clinging to him like second skin. He wished he was just imagining things, unfortunately, the lust in Jungkook's eyes was as clear as sunny day.

Jimin followed Taehyung to his room, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

"Well that's what you get for surprising Jungkook and me that day, when you unlocked my door."

Taehyung glared at Jimin before they both burst out in laughter.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well Jungkook and I are going out for dinner, and you are coming with us as well."

"WHAT! No I can't.... I don't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't... come on, I really want to be with you Tae, and Jungkook as well. It's a good opportunity to bond! Imagine, my two favorite people together with me. I can't ask for more... so please..."

Jimin, you give me too much trust.... He knew Jimin would be disappointed if he refused, so he had no choice but to say yes.

"Alright, I will come.... Hey Jimin, guess who I saw earlier at your Dance studio."

Jimin was busy poking his nose in Taehyung's closet.

"You should wear this one. Who?"

Taehyung took the shirt from Jimin and put it on.


He saw Jimin stiffen, he wasn't surprised for his reaction to the name.

"So,... what did he say?"

"Nothing much, he just wanted to see you but you were not there."

He searched Jimin's face for any reactions, but he found none... He guessed the wounds were deeper than he thought...

"Really, that's too bad. Well no use dwelling in the past. I'm happy with Jungkook now. Hurry up Taehyung, Jungkook's an impatient one."

Just like that Jimin was back to normal. But Taehyung knew better, Jimin was affected by the news he gave. What had really happened between them? Though he was dying to know, he let the topic of Yoongi hyung go for now.

-------- Taehyung's prov -----------------------

They arrived at a fancy restaurant, I knew, from the looks of it, that it was an expensive one. Jimin, I knew was barely containing his excitement, I just stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

In middle there was a pianist and singer. The music was slow and soothing, adding to the ambience of the place. They sat down and ordered food and wine.

Jimin was busy fussing over Jungkook... and Jungkook was busy trying not to look irritated, he remained silent and uncaring. But to me, the couple were having their moment. This was the reason why I didn't want to come and be a third wheel, I felt left out.

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