5th Letter

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Dear M,

You are one of my oldest friends. The very first person I was able to got close to during my elementary days. You were my very first best friend.We had a lot of fun and memories during our childhood. Those were the days our smiles were always plastered in our faces.

Nothing to think about that much. Ignorance was a total bliss

What can we do? We were still innocent, young and naive that time.

High School came and we're still attached. Even tho we all have our own set of new friends, we still got time to talk, to laugh and to see each other. We still got time to bond.

But sadly...that time didn't last until we all entered our college lives.

College came and of course this is a total different path from the previous ones. We were much more busier than ever. Sometimes, we get to talk. Sometimes, we don't. Most of the time we were with our own college buddies. Pretty understandable since we all have different courses.

But we still have connection. That's what matters the most. The friendship was still there.

However, at the present...we were curious and a little bit confused. You were so active on social media before and then for some reason we don't see you anymore. We can't even talk to you. Some plans were even cancelled.

And then upon seeing the feature "memories" on Facebook, I found out one thing. You unfriended me but it's not just me. You unfriended the others too on your main account. 

To some, this might sound shallow or mababaw in Filipino term pero to a friend na matagal na naming hindi nakikita or nakakausap, it's quite intriguing. 

I sent you a message hoping to hear your clear answer but unfortunately I never got a reply.

We're not talking anymore but I hope that wherever you are now, I hope that you're fine and well. As much as I value our friendship and memories, I would never force myself on someone who doesn't care or want me anymore.

Take care of yourself. 



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