Truth or Dare

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"I hate you so much," I mouthed, across the circle to Riley.

Riley was throwing her end of the year party and decided that a fun game of truth or dare would help everyone loosen up.

"Okay so I'll start," Farkle said, "Riley truth or dare?"

"Truth," Riley replied, without even thinking.

Farkle asked, "Is it true you had a crush on Lucas in seventh grade?"

I hated being reminded about this. It was hard enough dealing with her crush in seventh grade, but now that she's over him it was even worse.

I now had no reason to keep my feelings in check.

"In seventh grade, yes," Riley nodded her head.

"Okay now you pick someone," Farkle added.

"Lucas truth or dare?" Riley asked.

"Truth," Lucas mumbled.

Riley smirked at me, "Lucas if you had to kiss any of the girls here, which one would you pick?"

I noticed Lucas' cheeks blush.

"Riley," Lucas begged, "Can I pick dare?"

"Fine. I dare you to answer my question."

"Hate you," Lucas mumbled.

"Cool. Now answer the question."

"Ummm. I would kiss Becky," Lucas mumbled.

Becky was some girl that moved to our school a month ago. She was super tall and really smart. No way that Lucas actually likes her.

"Liar!" Farkle shouted across the room, "You told me just last week that you liked-"

"Farkle!" Lucas yelled at the top of his lungs.

"What?" Farkle grinned.

"If anyone is going to tell her it will be me," Lucas demanded, getting up.

"Fair enough."

Lucas held out his hand, "Maya? Can I speak to you about something?"

I swallowed, "Sure."

I took Lucas' hand. He led us into Riley's room and we both sat down on the window seat.

"So," Lucas mumbled.

"So?" I replied.

"Alright so I don't want things to change between us, but I need you to know that I like you."

"I like you too."

"No. I like you as more than a friend."

"Yes. I like you more than a friend too."

Lucas grinned, "So should I ask you out?"

"Do you want to?" I asked.


"Okay. Good."

Lucas leaned over and I leaned in as well. Just when we were about to kiss the door flung open.

"Are you guys dating yet?" Riley and Farkle yelled.


Finally I updated. Send in more one shot ideas.

Question who did you ship from icarly

Creddie or Seddie?

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