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Tonight was Maya Hart's first ever school dance. She had always thought they were lame and it was only until Riley forced Maya to go that she said yes.

"Let's go," Riley shouted.

At that moment Maya appeared around the corner wearing the most beautiful blue dress that had ever been made.

Maya of course would much rather be in a pair of comfy sweat pants than this dress, but she did feel beautiful.

Maya asked, "How do I look?"

"Suddenly very jealous that I told you to wear that dress," Riley laughed.

The two of them rode to the dance together on the subway and spent the time sharing old memories.

When they finally got there Maya found herself impressed with how nice the decorations were. There wasn't a specific theme to the dance, but most decorations were black, white, and red.

"You look beautiful," Farkle said, coming up behind Riley.

Farkle and Riley had began dating in middle school and were still happily together. Maya however could not find her Mr. Right.

"Maya you look beautiful too," Farkle added.

"Thank you Farkle," Maya replied.

A tall handsome boy that either Riley or Maya had seen before came up behind Farkle.

"Farkle this dance blows," The boy said.

"Maya and Riley this is Lucas," Farkle pointed at the girls, "And Lucas this is Maya and Riley."

"You both look beautiful," Lucas charmed, only looking at Maya.

Maya blushed at the boys comment. Maya was used to Riley being the one guys chased after, but hearing someone say this about her made her want to scream.

"Which you care to dance?" Lucas asked, sticking out his hand.

Maya accepted Lucas offer and he led her out to the dance floor.

"So how do you know Farkle?" Maya asked.

Lucas replied, "He's a childhood friend. What about you?"

"I've known him since we were babies."

They two of them spent the night sharing details from their childhood and laughing over embarrassing things they did before.

Halfway through the night Maya's necklace she had on got stuck on her hair and Lucas had to untangle it for her.

"Maya let's go!" Riley shouted, "My dad needs us home now."

"It was nice to meet you," Maya yelled, before running off.

Lucas watched as the girl he had just met ran off without getting her necklace back.

Farkle asked, "Do you want me to give that back to her?"

Lucas grinned, "No let me do it."


"Coming!" Maya yelled, slightly annoyed from the door knocking constantly.

The knocking still continued.

Maya pulled the door opened, "I said coming!"

Maya's face lifted once she saw Lucas standing there holding up her necklace.

"I thought I lost my necklace," Maya laughed.


"You could have just given it to Farkle."

"And but then I wouldn't get to do this."

Lucas leaned over and kissed Maya's lips and then put her necklace around her neck.

"You truly are my Prince Charming," Maya grinned.

"That must makes you my Cinderella."


This was super over due.

But thanks to MelissaAkaLaya for sending in this idea.

Also check out my book Scars coming out April 3rd. I've posted the basic information as of now.

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