Love letters

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Dear Lucas,

I know we promised that we wouldn't turn into those sappy couples who write love letters to each other, but you can deal with this.

Last night I couldn't sleep, because I had all these feelings bottled up inside that I haven't been able to tell you yet. I want you to know I've never had someone like you before. You're the first person that's ever made me feel like this before.

I thought for so long that I wouldn't be able to love someone, because of the family life I have have, but I was wrong. Lucas I haven't told you I love you yet, because I know if I tried I would mess it up. I'm writing this so you'll know that I love you.

If there is ever time that you doubt this just remember I took the time to write you a letter. Who even writes letters any more? I could have just send you a voicemail, but that doesn't have enough meaning in my book.

Sorry I'm getting of track.

I promise the next time you see me I'll tell you in person that I love you. And I swear if you make fun of me for writing this letter you will wake up in a ditch.


Love you


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