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Everyone has secrets.

Some people have tiny secrets. For example the secrets people keep with their best friends. Others have giant secrets that could easily make someone very upset.

And that's exactly why Lucas Friar has kept his secret from his girlfriend Maya.

Lucas met Maya the day after his relationship ended with Bri, his high school sweetheart. When Maya asked about his past relationship Lucas told Maya the truth, but left out one very important detail.

The detail explaining how Lucas and Bri were due to be married just two weeks before they both got cold feet and called off the wedding.

Of course this isn't that big of a deal. The big deal is Maya's dreamed of getting married to someone since she been a little girl and Lucas had been very clear to Maya that they will not be looking into marriage for a very long time.

Basically code for never gonna happen.

Lucas was able to keep this secret for over six years and was planning on keeping it for longer, but somehow this didn't work.

And by somehow I mean Lucas, Maya, and Bri all in the same supermarket together.

"Lucas it's so great to see you again!" Bri cheerfully said, pulling Lucas into a hug.

Maya was not jealous of this, because she knew Lucas had somewhat kept in touch with Bri and she had a wedding ring on.

"Bri it's so funny running into you here," Lucas nervously told her.

Bri of course knew nothing about Lucas not wanting to get married again and not telling Maya about his almost marriage.

"You must be Maya," Bri took Maya's hand a shook it, "It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," Maya replied.

Maya was a bit shocked at how pleasant Bri was. She had always figured Bri would be jealous of her for having Lucas.

"How have you been?" Lucas asked, trying to break the tension.

"I've been great. I meet a guy named Shane four year ago and we're just coming up on our two year anniversary," Bri excitedly rambled.

Lucas tried to act cool at the mention of Shane.

"Who's Shane?" Maya asked.

Bri pulled out her phone and showed a picture of her and Shane on their wedding day. She later went on to explain that Shane was a wedding photographer in the city.

"I bet you got great discounts on your photos," Maya joked.

"He just does the best photos," Bri bragged.

"I bet he does," Lucas mumbled under his breath.

"Actually I think Shane was the guy my parents were going to hire to take photos at our wedding."

And there was the secret finally out in the open.

Maya thoughts were suddenly stopped and rambled all together.

"I'm sorry at who's wedding?" Maya asked, unsure of what was going on.

"At our wedding," Bri said, pointing at herself and then at Lucas.

Maya even more puzzled asked, "You two were married?"

"No. We actually called it off two weeks before the wedding," Lucas explained.

"Cold feet," Bri added.

The tension in the room suddenly grew even more and Bri quickly noticed this.

"Well would you look at the time!" She laughed off, trying to make things less awkward, "I'd better it going."

As Bri walked away Lucas shut his eyes and rubbed his temples in efforts to find some explanation for what just happened. When he opened his eyes he saw a very mad Maya walking away from him.

Lucas decided to follow her, but not to call after her, in efforts to not cause a scene. They both walked up the stairs to her apartment, but she slammed the door shut on him, keeping him out.

"Maya? Please open the door," Lucas quietly said.

"So when were you going to tell me about your wedding?" Maya said, through the closed door.

Lucas decided not to lie anymore and just flat out told Maya the whole truth, making sure to not leave out a single detail.

At the end of the night Lucas found himself sitting outside of Maya's door waiting for her to let him in.

"I'll sleep out here on your doormat all night if I have to," Lucas mumbled, into the door.

No response came from Maya the whole night.

When she came outside the next morning Maya expected to find Lucas still outside her door. He was gone though.

But in his place was a small black box and a tiny post it note.

Maya felt like throwing both the box and the note in her trash can, but instead she read the message.

I know this doesn't make up for six years of lying, but I hope it comes close. Let's make your dream a reality.

Just say yes.

And inside the little black box was a ring.


Thanks to younginamerica for sending me this idea. I feel very happy with this one shot so I hope you all like it.

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