You and me against the world

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Maya looked down at the laptop in complete disbelief. A part of Maya didn't want what she thought she knew to be right. What Maya really wanted to do was throw the computer out of her room.

A knock at her door broke her away from her thoughts and forced her to close her laptop screen. She walked over to the door and came face to face with him.

Maya tried to slam the door on him, but he put his foot in front of the door.

"Maya?" Lucas questioned.

"What Lucas?" Maya scoffed, "Or should I say Ethan."

The look his face gave everything away. Any hope that Maya had of Lucas not actually being Ethan was smashed to pieces.

"Oh," Lucas choked.

"Oh," Maya scoffed, "That's all you have to say."

"I'm not actually sure what I should say."

"Here let's start with this. You're not the person I thought you were. Were you ever going to tell me?"

"No," Lucas confessed.

"You were going to let me believe that you were Lucas for the rest of my life," Maya angrily said, "That you weren't the boy who burnt down the old repair shop."

"I didn't do it on my own," Lucas refuted.

Maya slammed her hands down to her sides.

"Like that makes it any better."

"Maya we both know I'm not the same person I was back then."

"We? I apparently don't know anything about you," Maya replied.

Lucas fought back, "Okay. I deserve that."

"Who even are you?" Maya asked.

"I'll tell you, but you're going to have to let me talk and you'll just have to listen."

He sat down with Maya and he explained the whole story to her. Lucas had gotten into the wrong crowd in his sophomore year and the guys forced him to do things he didn't want to do. The building that caught on fire was set on fire by Lucas' friends, but not him.

"Why did you get blamed for the fire than?" Maya asked.

"The guys forced me to take the blame for them. My dad got me a really good lawyer and they payed to fix the building while I did a lot of community service. Once the community service was up I moved to New York and changed my name."

"Why couldn't you just tell me what happened?"

"I was afraid you would look at me differently."

"Lucas I love you and if you can't trust me with something like that then I don't know what we have."

"It's not like I don't trust you. I just don't trust the rest of the world."

"Okay then it will be you and me against the world."

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