Conversations with another character about how they like each other p.1

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Riley was due back from her date with Lucas at any moment now. While she had been out having the time of her life, Maya was sitting in an old coffee shop by herself.

Her phone buzzes interrupting her train of thoughts. There's a message from Riley telling Maya she wants to go straight home and tell her mom about the date, leaving her here alone for a while.

"So Maya are you planning on meeting anyone here tonight?" GG, an older women working at the coffee shop, asks.

Maya shrug her shoulders and closed the notebook full of doodles and tic-tac-toe games she plays with Lucas during class.

"Why the long face Maya?" GG questioned. GG was always a nice person so her wanting to help Maya didn't surprise her.

"Nothing. It's stupid," Maya mumbled.

GG sat down opposite from Maya with a mug of coco and a brownie, GG's world famous brownies to be exact. Maya knew this was GG's special way of getting her to spill her guts.

"I can promise you whatever your feeling is not stupid. Now I want you to let it all out."

And that's was Maya did. Maya confessed everything that she was feeling inside. She told GG how she had developed a crush on the boy she disliked only months before. How was wished that she was on the dated with Lucas and Riley wasn't. Her feelings towards Lucas went as far as her telling GG that she might be in love with a certain cowboy.

What Maya failed to notice was Lucas had walked into the coffee shop in the middle of their conversation. He had heard everything that his blonde best friend had just reviled and his stomach began to fill with butterflies.

Instead of acting upon what he had just heard he left the coffee shop without being seen so he could find away to explain his feelings to Riley about Maya. These feelings weren't much of a surprise to Riley, because she could always see it.

Little did Maya or Lucas know, the date Lucas was on was set up by Farkle and Riley. The two had been dying to see their friends finally admit their feelings for one another and took matters into their own hands.


Guess who's school has a two hour delay because of the wind chills.


I hateeeeeee school so the less time I have to spend there the better.

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