The field becomes more crowded as there is an overload of girls trying out. Not going to lie, it makes me nervous with my chances of making the team.

"Everyone, please gather up." Coach calls for all the girls. "I love the turnout of girls this season but as we all know there is only so many that can be on the roster. As of now the only one's guarantee is the two captains and a transfer student."

There was a big groan throughout the group of girls. "Why doesn't the transfer student have to try out?"

"Well, she will be here, but I have seen her play before. She is someone that will make the roster." Coach speaks up.

"That's bullshit." This time another girl yells out. "She should have to work for it just like we do. It's not fair that one of us could be really good but have a bad try out and not make the team because of an off day but you give a roster spot to a girl who is new."

The girl has a valid point. "Well ladies you don't make the rules, but I do hear what you are saying. Everyone has to earn the spot and that means the captains as well."

Now I am officially glad I'm not that girl.

"Everyone stands in a circle. I want you to introduce yourself." Coach demands.

I am scrunched in between people so I'm not able to see many faces besides the ones who step up to introduce themselves.

When it's my turn I take a step forward. "Caitlin Chancellor. I'm a junior."

The rest of the girls go and then there is one left. Everyone turns to the left as all eyes are trained on the girl. I push past someone who's in my way of seeing who it is.

All I needed was a glance of their eyes to realize how the new girl isn't a new girl to me.

"Peyton James. I'm a junior."


The horn blew which caused both of us to stamper to our feet. "Are you okay to walk or should I give you a piggyback ride?"

"There is no way you could carry me all the way back."

She grabs my hand and starts going towards the trail. I'm not sure why she keeps a hold of it, maybe she doesn't want me to fall. Once on the trail she crouches down. "Hop up."

"You are joking right?"

"Not at all. Get on." She insists.

I place my arms around her neck and hop on her back. She stands up and starts walking. "How aren't you dying?"

She picks up her pace. "You act like you weigh a ton."

"Well, we have similar body types so I don't understand how you can carry me so easily. Let's not forget we were running so your legs have to be tired." I point out.

We hit the end of the trail and she lets me go. "It wasn't bad, but you are right, I'm exhausted now."

"Good thing we have a whole day of soccer drills to do." I tease her as we walk. "Thanks though for taking care of me back there."

She gives a charming smirk. "It's what I do."

The rest of the day was spent working my ass off. Every drill we had I went full out at it. I tried to watch other girls to learn ways to get better. I came here to get better. I will be angry at myself if I don't improve.

When we were free to go, I stayed on the field. I start bouncing the ball off my knee when I hear someone behind me. "Are you stalking me?"

"Well, I never left the field, so I don't know how that is considered stalking." Peyton grabs the ball from the air. "Are you always an overachiever?"

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