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"I can't do this Lid. I just wanna stay home and sleep." I whine at my best friend who's been trying to drag me out of our apartment.

She set up a date for me and an old friend of hers but I don't feel comfortable meeting someone new. In all reality, I'm not ready to date yet.

The last thing I want right now is a relationship.

"Come on. It's just diner."

I aggressively shake my head no earning a sigh from her.

"What if it was that Harry guy? Would you go out then?" She smirked.

Again I shake my head no.

"I'm going back to bed"

Turning away I feel her follow behind me.

"Trust me, I wouldn't set you up with any weirdos. I promise."

"N.O.P.E." I say dragging the p out.

Annoyed at my response she turns away and walks out of my room. I look around before settling into bed. Pulling the duvet over, I snuggle myself in.

Usually I have a hard time falling asleep but todays kind of been a bad day for me. I had two anxiety attracts. Why? No clue. They just come and I couldn't stop them.

My eyes shut and a fake scenario starts to play.

3 hours later

A loud chain of knocks wakes me up from my sleep. I try getting out of bed and end up stumbling onto the floor when another loud knock hits.

"Chelsea!" A familiar British accent calls out to me.

Shuffling down the hall I rub my eyes trying to wake myself up.

"Harry?" I mumble half asleep while I open the front door. My my eyes squinting at the bright hallway light.

With no words he grabs a hold of my wrist and drags me out of my apartment. "What are you-" i Try to ask him what's going on but he pulls me around a corner and pulls my face into his chest.

"Stay quiet" he whispers into my ear only making me panic.

My chest starts rising in fear and Harry instantly notices. "Please beautiful. Calm down."

His body shifts pulling away before his eyes finally look at my own. I try talking but he instantly places his hand over my mouth. His forehead rest on my own before whispering, "please stay quiet." After pulling away he starts leading us around another corner.

My heart is pounding, getting ready to fall out of my chest, just like my heart, my head starts to feel the same.

Finally we reach my apartment complex parking lot. Harry continues dragging me around the parking structure when suddenly, we stop at a black Chevy Impala.

He opens the passenger door and moves me towards the car. Without a question I get in. I go to buckle myself in but Harry's beat me to it. His arm reaches across my body buckling me in. Once he's finished he grabs a hoodie from his back seat and tosses it over himself. Keeping his hood on.

He hides his curls.

So many questions run in my head as I watch him get into the drivers seat. "You sleepy?" He asks. Starting to back the car out of its parking spot.

In silence I turn to look at him. His eyes are busy on the road watching as he finishes backing out of the complex.

"Harry?" I whisper a bit scared to ask what's going on.

"Mm?" He mumbles still not looking over at me.

"Where are you taking me?" I finally ask.

I wait for his response but notice a black SUV rushing towards us.

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