First encounter

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After being sent outside, I didn't know what else to do so I just walked farther into the forest. The farther I walked the more paranoid I got, I felt like I was being watched. I'm pretty strong so I didn't worry to much, tho I didn't have any weapons with me.
Moments later, I heard noises from all around, from tree swinging to a stump on to the ground. I stumbled back. A black figure appeared from the fog ahead. The closer they got the more I could see. I assumed They were around 6 feet. They were wearing a black hooodie and tight jeans, a blue masked covered their face. Eyes were dripping black liquid. I slowly started back away. He walked closer and closer, soon he was running at me, I ran in a different direction then before.
"It has seems like I have lost my way to the mansion. Great." I said to myself. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!"
I look behind, and the eyeless man disappeared. I slowed down and stared at every direction, then I heard a yell to my left. I walk towards the screams of someone being murdered and hid behind a tree. There I see is the blue masked man, eating what seems to be an...organ? He look my direction. That's when I booked it to the mansion.
I huffed and puffed "who the fuck was that....or what was that?" I walked through the forest trying to find the mansion. Soon I was lost of breathe and found a abandoned cabin. I knocked on the door, yet no one responded.
"Hello?! Anyone home!?" I opened the door. "I guess I'll crash here" after a long night, I woke up. And just like that I started to find the mansion again, who knew the forests could be so long and huge. Hours after hours of trying, I finally found it, the mansion. I walked in, and the first person to run up to me was...
"Tim..?" I said "I might just pass out lol" and so I did right into Tims arms.

(352 words)

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