"Namjoon," Yeona said softly after she had moved closer to him, "I think those men are following us."

She looked behind them again as they turned a corner, "They've been behind us since we stepped foot into the village."

"I had the same feeling," Namjoon kept his eyes ahead. "How many are there?"

"Three." Yeona picked up her pace to keep up with Namjoon as he started walking faster. As they turned another corner she saw that the men had also sped up, "Five. Two more just joined them." The moon was full and bright so they weren't able to use the dark to their advantage.

"There's no way the two of us can take on five armed men." She was about ready to say that she could but her voice was lost when Namjoon grabbed her hand, " On the count of three we run."

As soon as Namjoon said the number three the two of them took off running hand in hand. The five men behind them also started to run. She had grown up in this village and knew these roads well but quickly lost track with each turn they took. Namjoon on the other hand knew exactly where he was going and what he was doing. He was leading the men to the outskirts and buying time for his guards to get closer.

After gaining a good distance from them and turning one last corner Yeona scrunched her brow as she saw Yoongi out the corner of her eye before Namjoon pulled her into a small shed.

"Was that Yoongi?" Yeona asked as she watched Namjoon untie his sword from his waist and place it in the handle of the doors to lock them.

"Yes," Namjoon stood in front of her with his back towards the door shielding her in case anyone got through. He was so close that he could see her body stiffen as the voices and footsteps of the men grew closer.

"Namjoon," She tilted her head trying to see his face, "Why are those men following us?"

"Because of who I am." He turned his attention from the door and looked at her.

"Who are..." Her words were cut off when Namjoon placed a finger on her lips, silencing her.

"You gentlemen seem to be lost."

Namjoon removed his fingers from her lips and placed his hand on her shoulder. Yeona's eyes widened. It wasn't because of the man that was currently centimeters away from her and touching her. But the sound of a familiar voice outside.

"Where is he?" Asked one of the men that had followed them.

"Is that Jimin?" A chill ran across her body when she felt Namjoon's breath on her ear.

"Please stop talking," He whispered.

"Now why would I tell you that?" Jimin's voice came through the door.

"Tell us where he is or we'll have to kill you."

Yeojna grabbed a hold of Namjoon's hanbok with her free hand to stop the gasp that was trying to escape her.

"You gentlemen will kill me either way. I know who you are and you know who I am. You know that I can't let you know his whereabouts," Jimin said with a cocky tone.

"He'll be fine. Breathe." Namjoon whispered in her ear.

"A man like you should know better than to walk around alone without a weapon." Yeona placed her forehead on Namjoon's chest when she heard the sound of swords being drawn.

"Who said he was alone?" Taehyung's voice and the sound of footsteps filled the small shed.

"Listen," One of the followers further from the shed said. "We are just here for him. So give us the-" His words were cut off shortly after the sound of someone jumping from a high place.

"The only thing that is getting near him is your dead bodies," Yoongi's voice threatened from a distance. Yeona pulled Namjoon closer at the sound of a body falling.

"Look at me." Namjoon lifted her head so that she could look at his eyes. "They are going to be perfectly fine. Okay?" Yeona nodded. She was worried about the six men out there that she considered friends. The sound of the fighting and swords clanking slowly drifted away the longer she looked into his eyes. "Breathe." The feeling of Namjoon squeezing her hand made her body relax.

The sound of someone yelling out in pain made her eyes widen as the sound of the outside filled her ears again. Namjoon shook his head and somehow she knew that he was telling her it wasn't one of his friends. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and stared back into his eyes. Once again the world outside disappeared. She hadn't realized just how much closer they had gotten until she could feel his breath across her face. She couldn't move and she didn't want to. She wanted to stay right where she was standing, next to him, looking into his eyes. She felt safe, she felt comfortable.

The feeling of Namjoon's hand touching the bare skin of her neck made her breath hitch and goosebumps cover her body. She watched as Namjoon's eyes moved and watched her lick her dry lips. No man had ever looked at her like the way he was or had gotten this close to her before, and she didn't want anyone except him to look at her like that ever again. Her hand on his chest moved upwards as he leaned in closer and titled his head. She closed her eyes and felt his lips brush against hers.

"You two can come out now." The sound of Seokjin's voice accompanied by the knock on the door made the two of them jump.

Namjoon cleared his throat and fixed his clothes before turning towards the door. Yeona took a deep breath and gave him a nod letting him know that he could remove the sword and open the door.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora