Chapter 6

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"Tomorrow morning, we'll start brushing up on your hand-to-hand skills," Yeona's trainer said as he walked with her towards the gate, "There's a young man that has been coming by recently, and I think you'll be a good match for him."

"I haven't fought in so long, though. Don't you think I should get some practice first?" She stopped walking and looked at him.

"Yeo, you said the same thing about your sword fighting, and I've got the bruises to prove that you haven't forgotten anything." He placed a hand on his rib. "Stop with that worried look. He's a smart man. He'll be able to tell if he's going too hard on you. But I'm more worried about him than I am of you." The trainer smiled.

"Ok, but if I get hurt, then you're going to have to explain to your brother why he has to do both our jobs." Yeona gave him a wave as she continued the walk to the gate by herself.

"So, is this where you've been disappearing for the past week?" Yeona stopped outside the gate and looked at Kaira, who was standing in the middle of the road with her arms crossed.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked, walking towards her friend.

"I wanted to eat breakfast with you. But when you weren't home, I went looking for you. I ran into my father, and he said that you have been leaving early in the morning every day." Kaira responded with a pout.

"I decided to start training again," Yeona said, walking past.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kaira asked as she hurried to catch up.

"Because Kaira, you would say the same things as I hear from the older women around the village."

"Well, they aren't wrong. You should be spending more time looking for a husband. If it wasn't bad enough, you work so much now you're spending your spare time training?" Kaira grabbed Yeona's arm. "Yeo, a man wants someone he can take care of. Not someone with her own business and spends their free time fighting with a bunch of men."

"Kaira, I work because I have to. I started training again because I need to. In a strange way, it helps calm me. And as for a husband, the right man will understand." Yeona turned and started to walk again.

"You don't have to work if you don't want to. My parents have said many times that they would support you. Then you could spend your days like me. We can needlepoint together and shop." Kaira spoke louder as Yeona kept walking.

"What has gotten into you, Kaira?" Yeona stopped and looked at her friend, "First, you started an argument with me a few days ago on the hill, and now this? You know me. I am not the kind of person who can sit around all day and do nothing. You used to be the same way. You were always helping others and willing to work for what you want. But you stopped doing that, and I never once looked down on you. So please tell me what has changed that has made you suddenly so determined that I'm never going to find a husband?"

"Deu-sung asked me to marry him," Kaira said with a smile, "I was just hoping that you would focus more on finding someone, that way you won't be alone when I leave next month to start the wedding preparations."

"You leave next month?" Yeona asked with a frown.

"He is to be appointed Jinzou's new magistrate, and we want to be married before that," Kaira said softly as she looked at her hands.

"But that's six villages away." The sound of the hourly bell made both women go silent. "I have to get to work," Yeona said as she hugged Kaira, "We'll talk about this later. Ok?" Kaira nodded her head.

Yeona's mind raced as she quickly made her way to the shop. "After all these years, Deu finally asked." She smiled as she spoke to herself. Deu and Kaira had fallen in love at first sight when they were teenagers. Yeona could still remember the first time they met him. His father had come to visit Kaira's father and brought him along. The girls were sitting outside, Kaira was doing her needlepoint and Yeona was drawing. They were surprised when a young man came out of the house. Kaira wasn't able to focus on her work while he sat beside Yeona and chatted with them.

Yeona stopped outside the shop as realization kicked in, and she grew sad, "She's getting married and moving away," She sniffled as her tears threatened to fall, "My best friend is getting married, and she was so worried about me being lonely."

"What's wrong with her?" Hoseok asked the other men in the shop as Yeona walked by.

"She seems to be upset about something," Her uncle replied. The three men watched her go into her office and close the door, "That's the only time she doesn't greet me in the mornings."

"Do you think she'll be ok?" Seokjin asked as the three of them stared at the door.

"You'll have to ask her," The older man crossed his arms and started to walk away.

"You want us to go in there and talk to her?" Hoseok looked at the man in shock.

"Relax, boys. You'll be fine. You wanted to know how your swords are coming along, and she's got all the information." He placed a hand on Seokjin's shoulder. "Just be thankful she's not mad."

"Hobi, you go first," Seokjin said, looking at his friend.

"No way, Hyung. You're the oldest. You should go talk to her." Hoseok said as he pointed towards the office.

"You two can come in here and talk to me." The two men looked at each other with wide eyes at the sound of her voice. "Do you guys know how to braid a cord?" Yeona asked, never looking at the two men who had slowly made their way to the door.

"Yes, we do." Seokjin was the first to answer.

"Here." She placed two pieces of fabric with string in them on the table. "We can talk while we braid."

The two men each pulled up a chair to her table and opened their fabric to begin braiding. The three of them sat there silently as they worked—neither man knowing what to say.

"Are either one of you married?" Yeona once again didn't look at them.

"No, no, we're not," Seokjin answered as he looked out of the corner of his eye to Hoseok.

"Why?" Hoseok looked at Yeona, who was still braiding.

"Would either of you marry a woman who runs her own business and spends her free time doing something that most people frown upon?"

"Is it illegal?" Seokjin asked.


"Is she putting herself or other people in danger?"

"No, not really," Yeona answered as she sat back in her chair, making eye contact with the men for the first time. "It's for more protection and something that she enjoys doing."

"Well, if it's something she enjoys doing and it's not illegal or dangerous, then I wouldn't have a problem with it," Hoseok said while Seokjin agreed, "As for her having her own business. I'd be proud of her. It's not very easy for a woman to do that sort of thing."

"Thank you," Yeona said, "I'm hoping to have your swords done in the next day or two. I just need to finish these three cords."

"These are for our swords?" Yeona nodded at Hoseok. "Do we all get different colors?"

"Yes, I figured you guys would like something different." Yeona let out a breath when she saw the excitement on both of their faces.

"I have a question," Seokjin said as they finished up. "Let's say she meets someone from another town and falls in love. Would she be willing to give up her life where she's at if she has to move in order to be with him?" Yeona froze in place.

"I don't know. I don't think she's ever thought about that." 

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ