Chapter 2

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"You'll have to talk to the boss." Yeona heard her uncle say as she locked the office door. "She's the one who takes the orders, and I'm just the blacksmith."

"She?" The room went quiet when she stepped around the corner. Standing in the shop were the seven men from this morning.

"Is there something I can help you gentlemen with?" Yeona asked as she wiped her hands on the skirt of her hanbok.

"We need swords," the man said through clenched teeth before moving forward to the counter.

"Of course. What kind would you like and how many?" Yeona felt like the man wasn't too sure of her. She, of course, was used to it by now. She could tell by his clenched jaw and how he was examining her that whatever conflict or confusion he had, he was holding it in.

"Seems like you've got it handled. I'll see you tomorrow, Niece." Yeona watched as a couple of the guys' eyes widened. Evidently, they didn't believe her uncle.

"Wait, really? You're the boss?" One of the wide-eyed men asked as he placed his hand over his mouth to hide his shocked face.

"Boss and partial owner, yes." She couldn't help but laugh a little when she heard a few 'woahs'.

"Now," she said, turning her full attention back to the man with the clenched jaw, "How can I help you?"

Yeona sat down on her stool and grabbed her notebook to take the man's request. They needed seven swords, strong swords that would last and were made from the best metal that they had. As the man talked, she wrote down his instructions and stole glances at each man taking notes about them. She had noted that not only were they different heights, but their hands were different sizes too. So they'd each need different-sized swords.

"What are you doing?" Asked the clenched jaw man with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm taking notes," she said, looking down at her paper and back up.

"I haven't said anything for a few minutes, and you're still writing. You're not even paying attention to me." The man grabbed her notes to see what she had written.

"But I have been paying attention and making some notes for the blacksmiths." She stared at him as he read things over.

"Why would you need to know our height and hand size?" He looked up from the paper.

"Simple, I noticed a couple of you are shorter and even have smaller hands. A sword made for you wouldn't be comfortable for them," she said with a satisfied smile as she grabbed her notebook back, "Oh, one last question." She looked over her notes, "Do you want a custom case or a normal case?" One of the younger men came up to the counter.

"Please, Namjoon hyung. Can we get custom ones?" He asked the man.

"How much is it?" He asked as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Well, since you are spending so much already, I can throw it in for free. All I need to know is if you have anything special in mind or if you want me to do my own thing."

"Jungkook-ah!" Another of the men said as he came to the counter, "Use your manners. I know you were taught better."

"Sorry, Seokjin hyung," Jungkook said. "Could you please surprise us? We haven't had much excitement since we started this trip."

Yeona couldn't help but smile back at the man. He was only a few years younger than herself, and behind that bunny smile was someone so kind-hearted and curious about the world. After finishing up their order and giving them the estimated time of about two weeks, she locked up the shop and started to head out. The sun was already gone, which meant it was an hour later than when she usually left work. She hoped that Kaira wasn't too worried.

"Are you walking by yourself, Noona?" She turned around after locking the door to see one of the seven walking her way as the others stood a few shops down talking to a couple of men.

"Yes, I am Jimin." Each one of the guys had introduced themselves and said thank you before leaving the shop.

"But it's dark out," Jimin said with a concerned look on his face.

"It's okay; I've walked these roads my whole life. I know shortcuts;" she told him confidently before giving him a smile and a wave.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora