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Bianca Jade

He drove across the airway, going as fast he could while we watched from the fence, not being able to follow after him. We looked on as he sped up, curving the van dangerously fast and stopped in front of the plane, causing it to screech to a stop.

A small help escaped my mouth as I slapped my hand over my parted lips "Fuck, he's crazy"

Suddenly we heard sirens. I whipped my head to look behind myself and saw a cop car zoom last in the distance.

"Guys, I can't get arrested" Pope noted, backing away from the fence slowly.

"Yeah, me either" Kiara agreed, backing away as well.

"I'm on probation" JJ cursed, ripping the cap off his head and scrunching it in his hands with frustration.

"I'm already in enough shit that I'm not even sure my parents will pay for the bail" I said, spinning around "But we can't just leave him"

"Look, Bianca" Kiara said "We don't have a choice. We are no good if we're all in jail"

"Yeah, she's right" Pope agreed "We need to leave if we ever wanna help John B" I nodded slowly, following the rest as we left.

I kept looking behind myself, trying to decided if I was making the best choice by leaving him by himself. What if he needed help? What if someone gets hurt? My head was spinning and my breathing laboured.

"We have to go back" I said as we got to a safe distance "This isn't right. What if something goes wrong?"

"Us being there isn't going to prevent that, B" JJ shook his head "Trust me, I wanna go back there as much as you do but what good is going to come from that"

"JJ's right for once" Kiara slapped her hands beside herself.


"Yeah, no. You are right" I nodded "You guys go back. It won't be any good if we all Suffer but I can risk it" I turned around "Get as far away as possible"


"Just go"

I ran back as fast as I could, nearing the fence I saw that they were still there but not alone?

I didn't give another thought before stepping out onto the airstrip, trying to be as quiet but fast as possible. My heart thumped wildly in my chest, my skin broke out into a touch sweat and I felt my breath become so shallow.

As I closer I noticed that Rafe was there, but why?

I furrowed my eye brows and continued to run, my feet started to hurt but that didn't slow
Me down.

What did slow me down was the sound of a gunshot and where it came from. I stopped dead in my tracks and gasped a loudly I was close enough for them to hear me and the sound I made grabbed al of their attention.

"Rafe" I breathed out, tears threatening to fall down my flushed cheeks as I looked down at sheriff Peterkin, her shoulder gushing red and Muffled choking noises leaving her mouth "Rafe, what did you do!?"

Sarah screamed and dropped it her knees, trying her best to aid Peterkin while John B sat beside her.

I didn't know what to do.

I took a step towards Rafe but he held the gun up towards me, tears falling down his face as his hands shook. The barrel of the gun looked me dead in the eye and all I felt was fear.

He wouldn't... would he?

"Baby..." I said quietly "P- Put the gun down" I took another small step, hoping to disarm him without anyone else getting hurt.

𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐧; 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now