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Bianca Jade

"So, you'll cover me?" I asked, hanging on the outside of Corey's room.

"Yeah, now leave before I change my mind" he
Smiled, spinning back around in his gaming chair and sticking his eyes back to the Monitor. I thanked him and walked away from his room, shutting the door behind myself.

I looked down the hall to my parents room, seeing their bedroom door closed and everything seemed quiet, they must be asleep.

I breathed out thankfully and snuck down the stairs, trying to keep my steps small and quiet. I walked over to the front door, disarming the alarm so I could open the front door.

I walked outside and cringed when the motion sensor light flickered on. I cursed under my breath and jumped away from the light, hoping none of my neighbours noticed because they would definitely tell my parents.

I waited until it turned back off before I started to walk away. I decided against taking my car, figuring it would make to much noise and the Cameron's only live a couple of streets over.

I started my walk down the dark road, only being lit by a small street lamp every 200 feet or so. I hugged my denim jacket close to my body, the light summer breeze brushing past my exposed legs under my dress as I walked.

I'd say that walking around here at night was almost peaceful. Hate to say it but there was no dagger place to walk at night then Kook territory. A security guard at every corner, everyone's houses had alarms and everyone knew everyone.

Plus, everyone was just too unbothered to even take a second glance at you, unless it benefits them in some way.

They couldn't give two fucks.

Which, in a way, is a good thing, it allows me to move about and do so as I please—without the worry.

I sighed and continued walking until I heard the rustle of a bin being tipped over. I flinched and looked around myself, seeing nothing but darkness in front of me. I started to grow scared, walking around slowly to where the noise had come from.

I kept looking behind myself, my mind over thinking and over exaggerating what it could be. I looked up at the house and noticed it was Kiara's. My body calmed a bit, knowing I had a safe place to run too in case something went south.

I walked around, still on the council strip but close enough so I could see.

"Wha— Kie?" I rose an eye brow as I watched her trying to pick up the bin that sat underneath her balcony. She flinched and snapped her head towards me, her shoulder relaxing when she saw it was only me.

"Bianca? What are you doing?" She asked, finally tipping the bin upwards and walking towards me. She had a backpack on, her purple crop top and shirt with low top converse.

Where was she going?

"Me? Where the hell are you going?" I said as I looked around and at her bag.

"John B's" she shrugged "Where else would I be going" suddenly my face dropped with realisation. JJ had invited us all for drinks in celebration and I totally fucking forgot.

"Shit" I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Wait, that's not where you're going right now?" She asked as i slowly shook my head "B, what are you doing?" I covered my face with my hands, realising i couldn't lie to her right now. I fucked myself and I had no choice but to tell the truth.

"I'm— I'm going to the Cameron's" I said quietly as I watched Kiara raise and he brow.

"Huh?" She said confused "Sarah is gonna be with us"

"Not for Sarah" I shook my head, hoping that she would get it and that I didn't actually have to say it out right. She still looked at me in utter confusion "For Rafe, I'm seeing Rafe"

She blinked at me, not saying at word until she opened her mouth and shrugged.

"Oh" she said with an unbothered expression.

"Oh?" I rose an eye brow, not sure of what her reaction was right now.

"You could of just said that" she chuckled.

"What?" Now it was my turn to be confused, I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or she was doing that thing she does when she gets mad, she smiles and her eye twitches then she snaps.

"I saw him climbing through your window a couple of weeks ago, plus the hickeys that you try to hide on your neck—I just put two and two together" she shrugged. I gasped and out of instinct, covered the side of my neck with my hands.

"Kie I—"

"Look, he's a total arsehole and I felt betrayed for a while but I realised that as long as he's not hurting you and you're happy, then go for it" she smiled.

"Oh, thank you" I smiled, moving my hand away from my neck.

"And don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anyone but you have too, and soon. I think JJ has a crush on you" she giggled, walking past me "I'll cover for you right now, so, go! Don't be late for your lover boy" she teased before turning her back and walking away.

I smiled at her back before she disappeared in the darkness. I walked the rest of the way to the Cameron's, thankfully not being caught but anymore people.

I was about to knock on the back door when someone caught my hand from behind. I froze in fair for a moment until the person kissed the back of my head.

"I hate when you wear dresses" he mumbled, letting my drop my hand so his could go around my waist "Makes me want to fuck the shit out of you right here, right now"

"Well, hello to you too, Rafe" I chuckled, spinning around and connecting my lips to his in a small kiss.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"No, I came all the way here to tell you that I'm not ready" I joked as he rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, picking up the esky that was next to him and walking around the house, taking me with him.

We walked around to the other side of the house where the Jedi was. Rafe stopped at the edge, checking around to see if he had everything before we started to walk down it.

We got to the Druthers and Rafe let go of my hand untying the bow and climbing Into the boat first, taking the esky with him, then he held out his hand to help me step in.

"What a gentlemen" I laughed, holding my dress down with my other hand as I climbed in. He smiled and let ho of my hands once I was in and safe. He walked through the boat and up the ladder to start it. I followed and stood behind him.

"Yeah?" He asked, wondering why I was staring at him.

"So, how did you convince Ward to let us use the boat?" I rose an eye brow, crossing my arms.

"He doesn't know" he said in a cheeky tone and before I could respond he started the boat, hearing the gentle roar of the engine rumble beneath us as we began to take off.

Rafe drove us to the middle of the quiet waters, seeing the lights of the houses along the land line in the close distance. I climbed down to the lower level of the boat and walked around to the back, watching the lights reflect on the water.

It was truly pretty.

I felt Rafe's presents behind me and before he could touch me I moved and turned around to face him.

"What do you have planned?" I asked as he shrugged and stepped back.

"Just you wait"

Shits gonna get real crazy soon Ngl.

We nearing the end of season One and we all know what happens then...

Word count 1358.

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