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~~~What A Bunch Of Losers~~~

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~~~What A Bunch Of Losers~~~


 The summer air had begun leaving, being replaced with the familiar touch of autumn. Adelaide had finished packing all of her belongings into boxes, all to be moved tomorrow. Her father had gotten an apartment for the two.

 They had settled where she would be going to school in New York. Everything was settled and all that was left was for them to move. The Losers had decided to meet up at the Barrens, at the area by the train tracks, where Adelaide considered to have been a beautiful place.

"I can only remember parts," Beverly explained her experience while she was captured by Pennywise, when she was floating. The Losers were sat on tree barks and stones, facing each other as they sat in a circle. "But, I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like," she said. "I saw us, all of us together, back in the cistern. But we were older," she continued, looking around at the Losers. "Like, our parents' ages."

"Wh-Wh-What were we all doing there?" Bill asked.

"I just remember how we felt," she shook her head slightly, looking at the ground. "How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that."

"At least we're all together," Adelaide comforted her, squeezing Beverly's hand tightly as her thumb rubbed gently. "Right?"

"Yeah, all of us," Beverly lowly muttered, her eyes falling onto Stan.

Bill hastily stood up, grabbing with him something from the ground. It was a shard of broken glass. "Swear it," he spoke. "S-Swear, if It isn't dead, if It ever comes back, we'll come back, too."

 Bill's eyes pleaded as he looked around the Losers, letting his eyes ultimately fall upon Adelaide's. She looked up at him -both literally and figuratively- and stood up without hesitation that ran through the other Losers.

 He flashed her the sweetest smile she had ever seen on him and her heart melted there and then. She loved him so much. Beverly was the second after Adelaide to stand up. Then Richie, and one by one, the Losers stood up in a circle.

 Adelaide frowned as she watched Bill cut his left palm with the glass. He let out a pained hiss as he slashed it. He panted for a while before moving on to Richie who cursed as he shook his hand to dull the ache. Richie made sure to pat Eddie's arm comfortingly when Eddie's palm was cut, his watch beeping when the blood oozed out.

 He walked to Mike, who stood beside Eddie and Mike let out a low groan of pain. Bill went to Stanley next, looking him in the eyes as though for approval before he cut Stan's left palm. Ben flinched as Bill cut him before going to Beverly.

 Then lastly, he walked to Adelaide. She held out her left palm, ready to have him cut her. He searched her eyes carefully but she gave him an assuring nod. Her inner right cheek was between her teeth to stifle the pain she felt. He had cut her deeply.

 The feeling of the cold glass breaking through her flesh sent shivers down her spine. Her eyes involuntarily closed, waiting for the pain to surpass. Her jaws clenched tight as her breathing hitched in the back of her throat.

 Her eyes opened and she was met with Bill's emerald ones staring into her kindly. She looked down to her left hand and saw warm blood oozing out. He went to stand beside her, his eyes never once left hers as he did so.

"Ready?" He smiled a little, bringing up his right hand, free of blood to between the two.

"Just count to three," she whispered, connecting her bloody hand with his clean one.

 Her eyes travelled to Beverly's, a small smile spread across her complexion. Beverly connected their hands before turning to Ben. One by one, their hands connected, a true, full circle was created.

 Adelaide's eyes closed as she breathed in the air that was still in transition from summer to autumn. The birds were chirping beautifully as the tall grass danced with the wind.

 The small breeze made a sound so beautiful and peaceful, Adelaide wished she could stay there forever. But not alone. She would be with the Losers, all of them, together.

"Look at us," she spoke, breaking the silence when her eyes fluttered open. "Making a literal blood pact. What a bunch of Losers," she smirked, her eyes glinting with playfulness towards the others who began laughing lightly.

Their connected hands fell back to their sides except for Adelaide and Bill. "I gotta go," Stan said after the laughter had settled.

"You'll come tomorrow, right?" Adelaide furrowed her brows and he nodded.

There was silence again that Stan broke, his eyes looking straight into Bill's. "I hate you." Bill's eyes fluttered down in sadness, thinking Stan was serious. For a moment, Adelaide thought he was. But his face softened as he smirked, slightly shaking his head while the others snickered. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," he said before turning away and leaving.

"Bye, Stanny," Adelaide giggled.

Soon after, Eddie left, making sure to hug Richie before he walked away. "Bye, guys," Eddie softly uttered.

"Bye, Mike," Ben uttered when Mike turned to leave, a little while after Eddie.

"See you later, Losers," Mike chuckled, leaving Richie, Adelaide, Ben, Beverly and Bill.

"Del, how about some games before you leave? You're gonna miss losing to me," Richie smirked, wiggling his brows.

"Oh, you are on, Tozier!" She giggled, ready to leave before she looked back at the remaining Losers. "Tomorrow, 8 o'clock. Don't be late or I won't hesitate to leave without saying goodbye," she reminded.

"Wouldn't even dream of it, Adelaide," Beverly laughed, waving goodbye.

"Come on, race you to the bike! Last one there pays for ice cream!" Richie yelled, running away.


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