Chapter 23

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            Today had been a bit interesting. At least that's what Adrien thought. Granted, it had also been incredibly boring as well. Thankfully, they had turned in their paperwork too. Finally, coworkers could quit reminding them to do it. A smooth drive brought them back to their apartment building and Mr. Agreste was just happy to have gotten through another slow day. Not that it was a bad thing today was slow. They had been through a very exciting week after all.

" system." Marinette reminded him as he flicked on the lights while she pushed her way past him into their living quarters. The latch on their front door clicked in a very satisfying way. The sound of the lock snapping into place was even more so. One couldn't go wrong with having a lock on their entrance to take precautions regarding their family's safety. Right now, to Adrien, that was Marinette. Once he felt that the apartment was secure, Adrien followed his wife to the bedroom. Well, at least he thought that was where she went.Apparently, she hadn't retreated to the master bedroom. She was in the side room....?

"Hey." Adrien acknowledged her, leaning on the frame of the doorway. Marinette sat on the floor in front of a large box. Presumably the one that his mother-in-law had dropped off a few days ago. "Well.....what is it?" The blonde questioned when she didn't respond.

"I swear, it's as if the world is trying to send us a message." Marinette huffed.

"Like what?"Adrien uncrossed his arms.

"My mom dropped off a whole box of my baby clothes. Some of which I designed. Most of which I wore."


"Yeah." Adrien wasn't necessarily surprised. Most mother's wanted their kids to grow up and have kids of their own. So, he couldn't blame Sabine for the action. However, Marinette was correct in saying that it seemed that the whole world was trying to push them in that direction. Frankly,this was a topic that Adrien didn't really want to address right now.It was strangely awkward for them at the moment.

"Well, we can always put this off. Our plane for Italy tomorrow is something we cannot." He attempted to diverge the subject. Hopefully, some time to pack their things and prepare for the next mission would help them do that.

"You're right." Marinette sighed, raking her fingers through her hair. Gracefully,she rolled up onto her knees before rising to her feet. The red cocktail dress causing some minor struggle for her as she did so. The tips of his fingers ever-so-slightly brushed her back as she passed him by to head down the hall. Closing the door, before following her,Adrien hoped that he could seal the previous conversations today behind it. Or at the very least, for another time. Once back in the bedroom, the couple began to sort through their belongings. Their things were still packed from the Caribbean mission, so they wouldn't have to pack everything. Just new assortments from their wardrobe.Were they ready for this again? Adrien couldn't help it. His paranoia on the safety of his partner continued to weigh on him. Maybe it was just because of the conversation of having a family one day that they had this morning. That had to be it!

"Hey, can we talk for a minute?"

"Depends on what you want to discuss." Marinette huffed as she shoved a stack of folded laundry into her travel bag. The man knew that she wasn't trying to be disrespectful, she just came off that way because she was stressed out and felt like everyone was pushing her to do something she wasn't sure she was ready to do. Now that didn't justify her attitude towards him, it was still rude. However, she was his wife not his daughter, so he did nothing to correct it.

"Don't worry.It's nothing of that sort. I want to talk about the upcoming mission." She immediately paused. Her figure leaning over her bag,her hands sinking into the mattress.

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