Chapter 21

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                Another round of airport security checks was enough to test Adrien's patience. They were always so incredibly slow and nit-picky with everything. Now, on rare occasion, he and Marinette could just hop on a private jet and fly away. Not in this scenario. Nope, today they had to pass through security and catch a normal flight, by passing themselves as tourists from France instead of French secret agents.Granted, it helped them keep a low profile, but they were also Agrestes. They weren't meant to have low profiles. In Adrien's mind about the only good thing his name was really good for now was the reputation it held. He and Mari could jump on a private jet because they were loaded, not because they were agents. Alas, that wasn't how it was meant to be, if they had done that than their profile would be on the radar. They couldn't lay low at that point since everyone would have a sudden interest in why the quiet, private life Agrestes were in the Caribbean. So, it came down to what Adrien would rather do. Deal with the press or a slow security gate at an airport. The former model decided to go with the security gate.

"Relax."Soothingly, Mari began to rub his upper arm. Likely in an attempt to help him follow the instruction.

"I'm fine baby."Slowly, he leaned down slightly to whisper in her ear. His sunglasses inching down his nose as he did so.

"I just know how much you hate the security checks. So,..."

"I know, and thank you."

"Unfortunately I can't really do anything about it, but...."

"I can have my dad book us a private jet...." It was entirely a joke, and Adrien hoped that it would start a back and forth banter between them just so that they could pass the time.

"Adrien! You know why we can't do that!" Okay, so she took it a bit seriously. Not the plan, but whatever. Sometimes his partner seriously lacked a sense of humor.

"I know. I'm kidding. Besides, I don't even know how I'll explain this one to my father."

"Yeah. He still thinks we're resting at home after our honeymoon doesn't he?"

"Probably. I haven't contacted him since we left for it." Adrien admitted raising his chin in an attempt to peer over the crowd to gauge where the front of the line was.

"Adrien!" His wife scolded a bit out of surprise, slapping his shoulder. She had told him several times to talk to his father, but....well, he didn't.

"I know. I know.I'm sorry. I said I would and I didn't." He replied still looking for the front of the line.

"You and your dad have issues."

"Ya think!?" He was being a bit snippy, but he could tell that Marinette didn't take it personally. "Ugh....Nino, when does our plane take off?"Adrien inquired, turning to look behind him at his best friend while raking his hand through his blonde locks.

"In about half an hour." Nino answered shooting a glance at his watch.


"What?" The concern in Mari's voice immediately perked up.

"Unless this line starts moving faster, we're probably going to miss our flight." Adrien knew full well that the explanation wouldn't ease his wife's concerns, but they would at least justify them. It wasn't going to bode well if this was the case. They were expected to land in France by the evening and if they couldn't board the plane then there was little to no chance that they'd arrive on schedule. Fortunately,things actually went to plan and the group of agents managed to board the aircraft with about five minutes to spare. As usual, Marinette took the window seat and Adrien the aisle. Alya and Nino sat behind them, and Chloe obviously personally booked herself for first class.It wasn't long after they had taken off, that Marinette fell asleep.In fact as far as Adrien could tell the whole group fell asleep.Adrien had gotten plenty of rest, so instead of resting he simply put in his earbuds and selected a nice array of soft classical music from his playlist. From there, he laid his head back on the head rest of his seat. A long flight was just the thing he could use to ponder the past week. Last night, Marinette obviously got very little sleep.Most likely due to the fact that she was processing. Now it was his turn to do so. At first, his mind was steady and relaxed, but as soon as he opened his eyes and let them wander towards Marinette, that's when he started to think. She slept peacefully, her wrist supporting her head against the window. Her ponytail delicately laying over her shoulder, the sunlight through the window causing it to shine indigo instead of the usual raven color. The sight of his princess, brought back his revelation from last night. Marinette could hold her own.She was an independent young woman that required minimal assistance from him. Yet, it remained true that they'd have to look out for one another as well. Of course, their fears for the safety of the other would also always remain, but Adrien hoped that after this experience he had a better grasp on handling it when it came about. Hadn't he been like this for years and years on end? He played that protective role to a T. The fact that he was still thinking about this was a mystery to him. Adrien and Marinette had basically discussed and solved this issue last night. So, why was he still processing it!?Didn't he have other things to be concerned about? Like his father or the mission paper work he and Mari still had to complete? Again,they'd solved this! Adrien sighed as he rolled his head back to face the front. Maybe, was that he just hadn't come to terms with it yet. If that was the case then he needed to. She's your wife not your daughter. That was it! When Adrien married Marinette, he had promised Tom that he would protect and care for his daughter.Yes, Mari wasn't his daughter and Adrien was absolutely sure that he wasn't protecting her in the way he would his daughter if he and Mari ever had one down the road. Nonetheless, he had taken his role as care taker to the extreme. First and foremost, Marinette was to be his partner in the field and in life. Yes, he needed to look out for her and watch over her, but where he went wrong is remembering that as partners they were to work as a team. Like his spouse had informed him, it's not wrong that he was protecting her all the time, they wouldn't have a problem unless it hindered her from doing her job. Marinette can hold her own. It wasn't that Adrien didn't think she could, he just cared too much for her to risk situations where she might have the disadvantage. However, over the last week, Mari really helped him to recall that she doesn't always need him. She once again proved that even if he was sidelined she could carry their team.Never did he fully doubt that she could, he was just worried that she'd struggle this time around. Perhaps it was a subconscious thing,or he just feared a disastrous ending so much that he felt he couldn't let her try. They're job was pretty precarious. He didn't want to risk the one person that meant the most to him. Were his thoughts running in circles now? Probably. Adrien sighed again and closed his eyes. Relax Agreste. Everything is fine. As if right on cue, Mari's fingers laced with his own on the arm rest.Adrien drifted his gaze over to his spouse. Her eyes remained in her previous position aside from the hand that was now obviously interlocked with his. Was she conscious or actually asleep? Maybe she just knew. They were partners after all. Softly, her thumb began to rub along the back of his hand up to the knuckle of his pinky finger and back.

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