Chapter 13

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               Retrieving the hotplate from Alya, Adrien began to make his way back to the bedroomwhere his wife was waiting. Only, for her to exit the room, by thetime he reached the door.

"That was fast."Adrien commented while she closed the door.

"What can I say?I was hungry." Mari shrugged as she reached up to take the platefrom him.

"I'm sure." Hehanded over the plate before stuffing his hands in his pockets. Withan exchange of smiles, Mari led the way back down the hall to theliving room. Nino still sat on the couch leaning forward over hislaptop, vigorously typing away. As they entered, so did Chloe, takingup a space on the couch beside Nino before either of them had achance. The sizzle of eggs on the stove meant that Alya would be abit before she joined the party, leaving a space open on Nino'sright. Adrien was all but unwilling to let his wife take the seat,but when she settled for standing behind the couch and reading overhis best friend's shoulder, Adrien decided to take the seat himself."So, whatchya got?" Adrien inquired getting comfortable on thebrown leather cushion.

"Well, I haven'tdecoded much. However, I did manage to piece together that Ramonewill be meeting with Hawkmoth's informant in a few hours to gothrough with the transaction."

"That's greatNino!" Mari praised, stabbing her fork into her egg.

"We'll have toact fast then." Alya interjected carrying in another plate andsetting it on the coffee table for her husband before joiningMarinette behind the furniture.

"Good morningAlya."

"Morning Mari."Alya replied politely. "Anyway. Do you have a location Nino?"

"Yeah.I do. It's...."

"It'salright guys. Adrien and I already have a location." Everyoneturned their attention to Marinette as she proceeded to stab her forkinto her breakfast again. "There is a plane hangar on the base thatAdrien and I previously busted into with a plane that had the ID,B78H9."

"That'swhat that was!" Nino exclaimed turning back to his computer.

"Whatare you talking about?" Alya questioned.

"Icouldn't figure out what that code was. I tried as many combinationsand code breaking techniques, but nothing was working. I was going tohave you look at it, but since Marinette identified it as a plane ID,then there's no need. Plus, now that I look at it, that makes totalsense."

"Anyway,"Mari diverged. "Using that information, we haven identified thatB78H9 is the plane that Ramone and Volpina plan to use to transportthe jewels back to France for Hawkmoth."

"Volpina?"Nino and Alya raised their voices questioningly.

"Lila."Chloe answered examining her nails.

"Precisely."Adrien confirmed.

"Ithough that chick was on our side. I knew there were rumors that shewas with Hawkmoth, but..." Alya thought aloud.

"Yeah."Nino agreed. Mari and Adrien just rolled their eyes with sighs. Chloejust sunk into the couch cushion with a disgraced huff.

"Okay,alright. Apparently I was naive to think that." Alya gave in uponseeing her friend's reactions.

"Anyway,Ramone and Lila are meeting in a few hours in a plane hangar at theeast side of the airfield. How long will it take us to get there?"Adrien prompted his best friend. Nino returned to his laptop oncemore and began typing away. A simple read on a google map and it wasconcluded that the trip would take about an hour. "Okay, so ifthey're meeting in about four hours from now, that means we haveabout an hour and a half to get ready to leave." Adrien plannedaloud, checking his watch. Knowing the girls, they would need sometime to get ready to go. It was a mystery to him and Nino why theirwives and Chloe needed that long, but knew better than to ask. Thatwould add time that they didn't have to spare. Instantaneously, thegirls moved from their positions and retreated to their respectiverooms, leaving the boys alone in the living room. "Hey Nino?"

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