And so the matter of looking presentable has started. All of the facilities were built, so no building materials were on the ground. (Y/N) didn't want to disturb the J'avos relaxing on the grass, so he let them be.

Then came the matter of lining up the Tyrants and hiding the Lycans armored with Adamantite. (Y/N) didn't want to reveal to Ainz that he has found a way to replicate the rare metal or that they can replicate items at all.

He then made sure to put the Military Officers on guard with their infections of choice. This visitation must not be ruined by anyone, not a human, not a beast, and certainly not a Virus.

"Hello. Marguerite, we have some important people visiting. Would it be a hassle to request more of your delicious cooking?" (Y/N) asked politely. He is the leader, but he doesn't want to rule using fear.

"It's alright, Creator. I appreciate your fondness for my dishes. I'll make sure to cook the best delicacies I have on hand." She answered, feeling joy from the compliment given by (Y/N) himself.

"Now, it's just the manner of waiting." (Y/N) said. Elena walked beside him, wearing an identical lab coat.


Ainz has arrived, along with him are his loyal Floor Guardians, Albedo, Shalltear, Demiurge, Cocytus, Aura, and Mare. They brought a sense of power with them, but the Viruses aren't going to let them win.

With (Y/N) are his Subjects up on the surface at that time, Military Officers not included. The gates open, and the two groups see each other. The atmosphere is tense, bringing embarrassment to both (Y/N) and Ainz.

If it weren't for the positions they uphold, the two would probably be apologizing to each other by now, taking in the glares being exchanged from the two groups.

"Floor Guardians, we are guests here. Please, act kindly to our host." Ainz commanded. His Floor Guardians bowed and apologized simultaneously.

"Ainz and I have a private matter to discuss." (Y/N) said, giving a subtle signal to the Skeleton Overlord.

"Yes." Ainz coughs, caught off guard by (Y/N)'s request, "I will leave you to converse with the inhabitants of Umbrella Corporation. Remember to act accordingly." Ainz reminded before following (Y/N).

The two walked and entered the laboratory. In the security room, both sat down, Ainz sitting at a pre-made throne (Y/N), requested his workers to make.

"So. Why did you make me leave my Guardians outside?" Ainz asked, talking casually now that he's conversing without anyone watching him.

"The pressure of acting kingly and professional is weighing on me, Ainz." (Y/N) said. The expectation of him acting fatherly and kingly to his Subjects is hard enough. He doesn't want to do it with others present.

"Plus, we get to see how our NPCs will intermingle with each other." (Y/N) chuckled, pushing a button on the control table.

A large flat-screen TV appeared, showing the overview of the entirety of his Kingdom, "I'm a scientist, Ainz. I would love to see things without me interfering." (Y/N) laughed, sitting on a sofa chair.

"Is this an elaborate scheme you planned from the start?" Ainz asked, looking at another former inhabitant of earth.

"No. But I wouldn't let the opportunity slip by." (Y/N) bluntly said, "Aren't you curious how your NPCs would interact with other beings that aren't insects in their eyes." He continued, gesturing to the screen.

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