"Okay Y/N, I will see you tomorrow too. Have a good night."

Poor Tae...I wish I could stay longer but I don't want his mom to be mad at me...I'm lucky she's even accepted this teacher...

Heaving a deep sigh and making your way over to your house you look back one more time at the teddy-like boy standing on his porch with his hands pushed down into his pockets, his curly bangs sitting over his eyebrows when he tilts his head to the side and gives you another grin.

...my goodness he's cute.

*buzz buzz*

JinWoo honestly.

Once you get inside of your house and throw your bag to the side you pull your phone out of the side pocket and answer the call, your eyebrows raising when your boyfriend suddenly pops up on the screen.


"Baby! I've been calling you like crazy! Where have you been?"

"I got a teacher for my deaf friend and I was in a class about it...is something wrong?"

"No, I just missed you is all."

His words hit you like a bag of bricks as you flip on the light switch to the kitchen, a large guilty sigh exhaling from your chest into the silent room.

"Oh...s-sorry I didn't answer then..."

"No it's okay baby, I understand if you're busy...is this the male deaf friend you told me about?..."

"Yeah, his name is Taehyung, he's my neighbor. He's the one that gets bullied at school, I figured out that he didn't know sign language so I asked my mom to get him a teacher."

"......Wait...you asked your mom for something?"

"I know it's pretty shocking, it was hard to get up the courage to ask her but since the assholes at the school wouldn't-"

"You wouldn't even ask your mom if you could come over to my house..."

Shifting your focus away from your bowl of stew to the obviously agitated male on your phone screen you set down the cold bowl of food, your eyebrows lightly furrowing in light confusion.


"Ah...nothing I-"

"No what was that all about?"

"....Y/N I don't want to start anything."

"Well you've already started something so go ahead and finish it."

"...it just...it seems like you're doing a lot with this Taehyung kid..."

"JinWoo he's my only friend here, literally everyone else treats me like shit and like I'm some kind of dark plague he's the one person that treats me with some kind of humanity. I'm already going through enough the last thing I need is this weirdness from you."

"....So now if I say something it's just weirdness?"

"That's the part of my statement you're going to stick on?"

"I don't know Y/N it just seems like since you moved here and met that kid things have been weird, I know you I have to be feeling it too. You won't answer my calls when I do call and now I'm having to track you down."

"I've been trying to track you down for 2 years while you go work in a factory with your dad so you can be worked like a slave, so I'm used to this by now."

"I'm working there so you and I can have a better future."

"No you're working there so we can have the future that YOU want. I don't care about a three story fancy apartment in the city JinWoo I never have."

"Well I'm sorry that I'm trying to keep up with someone that has had everything given to her in life."

Pushing your lips together as JinWoo's statement throws a thousand pound weight in your heart you feel your eyelids lightly fluttering, tears beginning to mist your lower lashes as your voice lowers down to a whisper.

"....I'm going to go now. I'll talk to you later."

"No Y/N wait-"

Quickly pressing the red button and hanging up the call your body lazily plops down into the barstool sat at the bar, the cold bowl of stew still sitting in front of you.

He did not just say that...after everything I've told him....

Had everything handed to me my ass.

I've had nothing handed to me, my parents have offered that instead of giving me love they'll throw some money at me and hope I'll stay quiet.

I've told JinWoo before that what I liked about him was that he didn't have those kinds of big dreams...he's the one that even brought up the damn apartment in the first place!

Pushing your fingers roughly through your hair you stand up and pop the bowl of stew into the microwave, your fingers swiping away the small tears falling down your cheeks.

I've been left alone like this for my entire life, I thought that I had JinWoo that I could lean on and be with...but just like everything else I'm talking to him through a phone screen.

I'm so sick and tired of staring at screens if I want to talk to someone.

Why can't someone just want to be around me and not make fun of the fact my parents have money.

I don't even have any of that money.

My parents are the ones with that money...and I'm just the accident they created and drag along putting in houses they're fixing up to sell to someone else.

I don't even have a proper home.

Prada boots mean nothing when they're a stand in for everything a child requires.

(A/N): More drama 😌

Also, I saw in the last chapter that everyone was a little frustrated that Y/N questioned the teacher about being able to speak, but she knows literally nothing about people who cannot hear, and her only knowledge is seeing Taehyung and how he acts, so she's learning! :3

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