Chapter 29

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Todoroki had shown Singtoo the bed for him.
The bed was a fancy blue mattress with a pillow and blanket.
"Sorry it's not much but it should be better than the drawer", said Todoroki.
"It's perfect, I have a pillow and blanket, and I have much more space too, I have an actual bed and that's all I ever wanted", said Singtoo.
"Don't forget that's not the only thing you're getting, I asked Terry if he can upgrade your lute for you", said Todoroki.
"Derrick's getting an upgrade", asked Singtoo.
"I just said that", answered Todoroki.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Derrick is going to be okay", said Singtoo hugging Todoroki.
"You must of really liked that lute", said Todoroki.
"Yeah, he's gotten me through some bad times, especially with Vincent, and my parents", said Singtoo.
"You wanna talk about it", asked Todoroki.
"Okay...... I've had Derrick ever since I was a kid, due to my interest in music, I made him so I can play a soothing tune to calm myself from my abusive parents, my parents deemed me as useless and weak due to my small size, they would tell me I'm not good at doing anything, even music, I played Derrick wonderfully but they refused to believe that, they would try to get rid of Derrick by burning him, but they soon figured out my biggest interest after they caught me watching a TV show called Captain Amazing, he was one of the greatest hero's in the Galaxy and I wanted to be just like him, that's when they started abusing me physically, they told me I would take hits like that of I became a warrior, after years of taking all of that burden, I finally escaped, I eventually found Spore shire seeing it as a chance to achieve my dream, but then Vincent got in the way and refused to let me become a warrior, he was like my parents who abuses and discriminates me, at least my interest to music kept everything from being a total loss, I meet those singers who became my friends, they supported me through my bad times and believed it's never too late to achieve your dreams, what they said was nice but I also had to think real, with Vincent in the way, I didn't think I could become a warrior, that was until you showed up and crowned king, sure Vincent couldn't exactly boss me around anymore but my real problem was my confidence, you helped me get through my barriers and I'm going to be a space warrior", said Singtoo.
"You shouldn't let spirit crushers get in the way of your life Singtoo, you be who you want to be", said Todoroki.
"Thanks Shoto, I hope you don't mind if Red Riot can sleep in the castle for a while", said Singtoo.
"Eh sure why not, he has nowhere else to go anyway, why would I even kick my friend out", said Todoroki.
"I don't know, but that would be harsh, and you promise to keep my past a secret", said Singtoo.
"Sure, Midoriya has kept my secret, from the people on earth anyway, I can do the same for you", said Todoroki.
The next day after their training, Vincent was teaching Todoroki the art of royal gestures.
"Since you are a king, you must learn the ways of royal gestures, now watch me, I've seen several fancy people do this kissing thing as a greeting, like this", said Vincent.
Vincent kisses the air twice.
"Okay that's weird", said Todoroki.
"What, it's an enchanting way to greet someone, also you're not actually kissing the person, you're kissing the air on the sides of the person's head", said Vincent.
Singtoo and Kirishima were playing with the hand held fans.
"Hey look I'm a huge fan", joked Kirishima.
They both laughed.
"Now when you're in a parade, you wave like...", said Vincent.
Todoroki was waving his arm high in the air.
"Not like that you half n half bastard"!
Vincent started smacking Shoto with a glove.
He smacks him several times.
"Naughty, naughty, naughty"!
Singtoo showed a sad face.
Then switched to a happy face after he switched the fan to the other side of his face.
Kirishima laughed as Singtoo continued the faces.
Todoroki looked over his shoulder and chuckled.
"HEY, if you want to make faces and laugh with your friends, I suggest you do it elsewhere".
"Sorry Sireroki, we were just having a little too much fun, we got carried away", said Kirishima.
"You're good, I needed a break from the bat rat anyway", said Todoroki.
"You dare call me bat rat, I'm a baracoda", said Vincent.
Melvin came running in chasing a toy spaceship.
"Ahhh Maxtod, guards come quick"!
"Don't worry Vincent he's just Melvin", said Todoroki.
"No it's a vicious creature that will kill us all, Maxtods are dangerous", said Vincent.
"They're not as bad as you think they are, I just learned they can be passive creatures once you tamed them, Melvin and the other tods we're only looking for food", said Todoroki.
Melvin got too wild and flipped over on his back.
" let me help you".
Todoroki helped Melvin flip himself back over.
"There you go, be more careful next time you chase something".
"Who was even flying that crappy ship anyway", asked Vincent.
"Sorry that was me, is everyone okay", said Buhga.
"Yeah we're okay", said Singtoo.
"How about I show you around the space wing to welcome our guest there", said Buhga pointing to Kirishima.
"Do you mind Kiri", asked Singtoo.
"Not at all", answered Kirishima.
"Okay let's go", said Singtoo.
Kirishima and Singtoo left while Vincent stopped Todoroki.
"I've got some people you should meet", said Vincent.
"Let me guess, it's those judges, not a chance", said Todoroki.
Vincent forcefully dragged Todoroki to the court where there were five judges sitting at the stand.
"Of course you drag me here".
"Shoto, these five here are the judges of the court, Carter, Erica, Gleason, Django, and Colton, they'll tell you how monarchy really works", said Vincent.
"So you must be the new king, and you refuse to act like a tyrant, how intriguing", said Carter sarcastically.
"And what's wrong with being good", asked Todoroki.
"No king nor queen can ever be good, once monarchy courses through their bodies they can never escape it, they will be too busy feeling good about themselves they will continue abusing their power, monarchs can do whatever they want and they never know when corruption ends until death, corruptions in your head Shoto, and it stays there and never leaves", said Erica.
"Can you tell me that more precisely", said Todoroki.
"What I'm saying is the longer you're in power the more corrupt you will be, you will realize you have everything on the planet and take it irresponsibly, it happens to every person in the government system", said Erica.
"I don't see it happening to Kronan", said Todoroki.
"Not yet but it will happen eventually", said Erica.
"Can't you just give what Vincent wants please, as king you're supposed to make everyone happy", said Carter.
"Not buying it, if I make Vincent happy then thousands of people wouldn't be happy, making the kingdom miserable are not my intentions", said Todoroki.
"See, this is why humans shouldn't be king", said Django.
"Django there were corrupt kings who were human, we've talked about this", said Vincent.
"That doesn't matter, I was not happy when Shoto became king because he along with the other humans kill more plant life then the Grox ever did", said Django.
"That's a lie, I heard the Grox's intentions, they plan on deterraforming every planet in the galaxy, I have a feeling they deterraformed planets before they took over the entire center, we humans deterraformed none", said Todoroki.
"For once, he is right, Grox actually kills more than humans", said Vincent.
"At least the Grox will probably listen to us, humans will just keep littering their planet and cause global warming cause they're careless, and they're so dumb they refuse to live on other planets", said Django.
"We can't breathe on the other planets in our system, and we didn't have the technology built to travel outside of our system yet, don't be telling humans they're stupid, the Grox are even more careless, they hate everyone, even you", said Todoroki.
"He's just coming up with excuses to hate humans, but you got to admit, like me he does believe it's possible to stop the Grox by befriending them", said Vincent.
"He's completely nuts", said Todoroki.
"Now come on, you can survive on none habitable planets, all you need is some spacesuits, packetable food and some water, and there's a chance there could be some food and water of some sort", said Gleason.
"Yeah, but it would take like 30 years to find all of that", said Todoroki.
"He's right Gleason, besides there's no point in living", said Colton.
"Yeah, no point in living without the ozone layer", said Todoroki.
"I meant there's no point in living period, seriously what's the point of life, all that ever happens is being born, going to school, then get a job until you die, and that extra stuff in between is just a waste of time and money, in fact life itself is a waste of time, why would Spode create all of this", asked Colton.
"Now hold on Colton, some people don't want to die, especially me, you just have a hard time enjoying life", said Carter.
"Why would you want to spend money on a worthless circus, I bet those entertainment people just train themselves to scam people", said Colton.
"They are not scams, they're businesses, and entertainment is fun, what have your parents even taught you about life anyway", said Carter.
"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, I'm the top judge here and you believe in what I believe", said Colton.
"Not a chance, only humans should die, sporelings are much smarter and kinder then they are", said Django.
"Not true Django, I know plenty of sporelings who are jerks", said Erica.
"What are you, a freaking human", asked Django.
The judges started bickering.
"Alright enough, do you guys think Shoto should agree with your ideas", asked Vincent.
"Yes", said Carter.
"Absolutely", said Erica.
"Maybe it won't be so bad if we turn him into a sporeling somehow", said Django.
"You don't need the ozone layer", said Gleason.
"You don't need to live", said Colton.
"You know I believe, you're all a bunch of freaking lunatics, Carter, learn to care about people, Erica, it's possible to escape corruption, we may be in charge of this planet but we're not better than everyone else, just think about yourself, Django, you should think twice before hitting on the human race, there are careless sporelings too, and that goes for the same with other alien races, Gleason, surviving with an ozone layer is little to not possible, no life means no food and water, take some science classes and learn about the planets and the environment, and Colton, how about you get a therapist so he can teach you about fun in life, you should give entertainment a try, you think life is pointless cause you refuse to enjoy it", said Todoroki.
"Why do you care, your life was crap wasn't it", asked Colton.
"That was until I met class 1A, the reason I perked up was because of one special person, Izuku Midoriya, he supports me through my problems like my own personal therapist, Singtoo's another one that looked up to me like a friend, I'm not going into detail but I will say his life was also tragic, what makes you think I've never committed suicide, my first reason was to not end up like my dad, so I refused to use my fire powers to show him my rebellion against him, I still don't want to be like him but if I killed myself, I wouldn't have had Midoriya or the rest of the class, nor would I have Singtoo and everyone else on this planet, I will never join you tyrants, life will stay in the Galaxy whether you like it or not", said Todoroki frustrated.
"NO, you will agree with us and that's final", said Colton.
"I'm the king of Spore, I don't have to listen to you, I only listen to people who I can trust, like my friends, who believes life is not pointless, I'm only giving what's best for this planet, and if you dare try to ally with the Grox you're making a huge mistake, they will kill you, Colton you may want to get killed but you may not go to heaven in the afterlife, if you plan on killing everyone intentionally", said Todoroki.
Todoroki walked out of the room.
"That's the last straw Shoto, if you refuse to be like me and the judges, then I guess I'll have to take position as king myself", said Vincent.

Todoroki: The King Of Spore (My Hero Academia X Spore Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu