Chapter 15

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The next day Todoroki woke up early and was going to take a bath.
When he opened the bathroom door, he saw Vincent and two servants inside.
"Vincent, what are you doing here", asked Todoroki.
"I'm just here to give you a bath", answered Vincent.
"I can do it myself thank you", said Todoroki.
"Aw come on sire, you must have been tired after yesterday, please let me help", said Vincent.
Vincent snapped his fingers and the servants turned on the bath water.
"Okay technically you're letting the servants do it", said Todoroki.
"I'm going to be the one scrubbing you", said Vincent.
"Why are you doing this", asked Todoroki.
"Don't worry, I'll let you scrub your private areas", answered Vincent.
"No I mean, why are you trying to help me", asked Todoroki.
"I just want to show you that I'm sorry for mocking you for the past two days and I just want to make it up to you especially from yesterday", answered Vincent.
Vincent snapped his fingers again and the servants carried Todoroki to the fancy round bathtub with pillars and curtains.
Singtoo nearly woke up from the noise but still remained asleep since he was so tired.
Todoroki was in the bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles.
"Okay this water is nice", said Todoroki.
"I thought I could make it nice and warm for you, so tell me, how was sleeping with Singtoo, was he a loud snorer, was he a personal space stealer, was he a drooler, 'gasps', does he sleep naked, even without his underwear, don't ask how I know he sleeps on your bed", said Vincent.
"Actually he sleeps normally, he's like an angel", said Todoroki.
"What, that little runt sleeps like an angel", asked Vincent.
"Yes, what is that a problem, he's a quiet and normal sleeper like most people so what", asked Todoroki.
Vincent studdered in surprise.
"Maybe if you get to know him better you would think twice before making him sleep in a death trap".
"How about you try the jets", said Vincent pushing a button.
Todoroki got comfortable when he felt the water jets.
"Okay this is nice but you don't have to spoil me", said Todoroki.
"Shoto, a king is supposed to be spoiled, because you have everything, the throne, the staff, the money, the power, the delicious food, and the jet tub", said Vincent.
"And I also have some good friends who are already supporting me", said Todoroki.
"That's because you're the king", said Vincent.
"No, I think it's because they understand what I went through, they know my past and they're sympathetic with it too", said Todoroki.
"But you like people serving you, right", asked Vincent.
"That's nice but I can give them a break, there's plenty of things I can do on my own", said Todoroki.
"Fine then, scrub yourself down", said Vincent throwing the soap in the tub.
Vincent walked out of the bathroom and out of the room.
"You want us to scrub you sure", asked a servant.
"Nah, I got it, you can go now", answered Todoroki.
"Yes sire", said the servants.
The servants left and a half asleep Singtoo walked in.
"Is everything okay, I saw Vincent walk out", asked Singtoo.
"Just another one of his attempts to making me a tyrant", answered Todoroki.
"You are one smart king", said Singtoo.
"Okay Singtoo, I'm about to ask you this, would you like to come to training with me today", asked Todoroki.
"I don't know, what if I can't succeed, what if the other students make fun of me, what if.....", asked Singtoo.
"Hey, as soon as I get out of this tub, we're going to get through this together, trust me everything is going to be okay", said Todoroki.
"And what if it's not", asked Singtoo.
"Singtoo, no more letting you fears take the best of you, it's time you follow your dreams, what do you enjoy more, being a bard, or becoming a warrior", asked Todoroki.
"Well, I do love music, but I can do that as a hobby, okay, I can try out my original dream", said Singtoo.
"Trust me, you're going to be okay", said Todoroki.
After Todoroki's bath, they reached the training area.
Todoroki opened the door to the fighting room and they saw a big green dinosaur looking creature wrestling with a big bird with moose horns looking creature.
Then a big four legged frog looking creature walked up to them.
"Your majesty, what brings you here", asked the four legged creature.
"We're here for training", answered Singtoo.
"Oh okay, sign up is over there", said the four legged creature pointing to the table with a sign up sheet.
They walked up to the table and signed in.
"Okay I know this is intense but we can do this, I've been in more intense situations than this", said Todoroki.
"Okay I can do this, surrounded by big scary creatures but I can do this", said Singtoo.
"Alright ladies, line up", yelled a voice.
Everyone lined up in a straight line next to each other.
A big giant four armed creature walked in.
"Welcome to warrior class, this semester, I am going to turn you all from scrawny weaklings into strong warriors, now I take my training seriously so that means keep your backs straight".
Everyone has straighten their backs.
Major then walked in.
"Okay class, I am Major in case some of you don't know me, and this is Easton, now how this works is that I am your weapon trainer and Easton is your combater", said Major.
"Anybody who's coming into this room is going to be either battling each other, or battling me", said Easton.
"And outside is for battlefield training to test how well you do in nature", said Major.
"There will be a test at the end of each month including the final semester exam, and if you dare fail any of those tests then you're just a sorry excuse for a warrior", said Easton strictly.
Singtoo grew nervous.
"Okay time to read the roster", said Major.
"'clears throat' Barbados", said Easton.
"Here", said Barbados.
"Mada", said Easton.
"Here", said Mada.
"Danny", said Easton.
"Oh oh here, I'm right here", said Danny raising his hand excitedly.
"Singtoo", said Easton.
"Here", said Singtoo.
"Sunny", said Easton.
"Here", said Sunny.
"Shoto, wait Shoto.....the king", asked Easton.
"Yeah, there's a reason why he's here", answered Major.
Major whispered everything about the Todoroki's powers into Easton's ear.
"No way, for real", asked Easton.
"Yeah, you know how to train that power right", asked Major.
"I see what I can do", answered Easton.
"All right, everyone out into the field, it's time we begin our training", said Major.

Also wish a happy birthday to the former number one hero.

Also wish a happy birthday to the former number one hero

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Todoroki: The King Of Spore (My Hero Academia X Spore Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें