Chapter 2

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Everyone was fighting the aliens and the squirel was running through everything to Todoroki.
He climbed up on Todoroki's shoulder.
"What are you doing here fluffybuns", asked Todoroki.
Todoroki quickly ducked a swing and froze the armored alien in place.
"Nevermind, there's too much happening right now".
Blasters were shooting and there was a lot of roaring from the aliens.
"There's too many of them", said Iida.
"And they just keep getting back up", said Uraraka.
The frozen armored alien unfroze it's self with some sort of fire power.
"What, those guys wield fire", said Todoroki.
The alien shot out a lightning bolt at Todoroki.
Todoroki didn't react in time and got zapped.
"And lightning, what are these aliens", asked Kaminari.
"I don't know but that lightning bolt hurts really bad", said Todoroki.
"Surrender to the mighty Grochius II for you have no chance of taking us down", said the armored alien.
"Okay that doesn't quite answer my question", said Kaminari.
Todoroki sat up feeling sharp pain in his chest.
"And who's Grochius II", asked Todoroki.
"The king of the Grox empire", answered the armored alien.
"SMAAAAASH", yelled Deku leaping at the alien.
Deku kicked the alien out of the way.
"Everyone retreat, we need the pro heroes to handle this", said Aizawa.
"No kidding these guys are as strong as hell", said Yaoyorozu.
Deku and Kaminari were holding Todoroki up.
"Quick to the front door", said Deku pointing to the front door.
Cylone flew in their way.
"You are going nowhere", said Cylone.
Cylone grabbed Deku and Kaminari with psychic powers and trapped them in red lazer boxes.
"Midoriya, Kaminari", yelled Todoroki.
"Time to die half n half", said Cylone.
Cylone circled his hands around creating dark red magic.
He threw dark projectiles at Todoroki.
Luckly Todoroki was able to stand up ignoring the pain in his chest and created an ice wall to barricade himself from Cylone's attack.
The squirel was doing something weird and jumped off of Todoroki.
"Todoroki-kun", yelled Deku worried.
Todoroki ice couldn't take on all of Cylone's projectiles at once and he finally got hit by a couple.
"Todoroki noooooooooo", yelled Ashido.
"Todoroki", yelled Iida and Aizawa both.
Todoroki was on the ground halfway unconscious as Cylone was about to finish him off.
Todoroki's vision was blurry, then his eyes were closed shut.
"Shoto, Shoto wake up", said a voice.
Todoroki woke up in a different place seeing a squirel looking creature with horns wearing samurai armor carrying him and an oxygen tank.
"You really had me worried there, that special medicine I rubbed on you should heal you within minutes".
Todoroki found himself bandaged on the torso and arms and was temporarily wearing a portable oxygen mask connected to the oxygen tank the squirel samurai was holding on his back.
"We gotta go before something else happens".
He carried Todoroki in strange planet as they left behind a crashed spaceship.
It was later at night in a freezing biome with a blizzard and the squirel samurai found a giant dead whale looking creature.
"We'll sleep in there for the night, I know it will smell bad in there but keep in mind that my sense of smell is 12 times stronger than yours".
They set camp in the dead whale and the squirel samurai built a fireplace cooking some oil soup.
Todoroki was sitting up feeling much less pain than before.
"You feeling better"?
"Yeah much better", answered Todoroki.
"Some of Dr Salador's best healing creams, he's the best doctor around", said the squirel samurai.
"I need to ask you some questions", said Todoroki.
"I'll give you three", said the squirel samurai.
"I think I have more", said Todoroki.
"There's your first question", said the squirel samurai.
"What, I'm confused, who even are you and where am I and what happened to Midoriya or my other classmates, w.w.what even happened in general", asked Todoroki confused.
"You don't recognize me, but I am the squirel you call fluffybuns", answered the squirel samurai.
"What no way", said Todoroki.
The squirel samurai turned into the same squirel from U.A. and then changed back into his real form.
"I'm not just a samurai, I'm also a shape shifter, yes this is my true form you see, and by the way, my real name is Major", said Major.
Major poured some oil soup in a bowl and gave it to Todoroki.
"Here drink this".
Todoroki looked at the soup, then he lifted his oxygen mask and smelled it and he gaged.
"That smells bad", said Todoroki.
"Drink it", said Major.
"No", said Todoroki.
"I want you to drink it", said Major strictly.
"You're a mean squirel aren't you", asked Todoroki.
"Yes, yes I am, and that's three you're out of questions", said Major.
"But what about....", asked Todoroki.
"I'm here to help you Shoto, where you are is planet Spore", said Major.
"Wait I'm not on earth anymore", asked Todoroki.
"No you're not, infact you're not even in your solar system anymore, but you can still breath air here, and what happened to everyone else, they're alive but there were too many enemies for me to handle to save them all, you were lucky I saved you from Cylone, I barely escaped with you out of there", said Major.
"Wait there kidnapped", asked Todoroki.
"Everyone in Japan, I have no idea about the other countries though", answered Major.
"What are those aliens anyway", asked Todoroki.
"The small cyborgic ones are called the Grox, the main alien race living around the galactic core ruled by an alpha Grox known as king Grochius II, the armored guys are the Dronox, they are the ones with the elemental powers, the one that zapped you with lightning, and yes their powers are dangerously strong, but there aren't as many of them as there are Grox", answered Major.
"What about that dragon looking guy who nearly killed me", asked Todoroki.
"Cylone the Kyson, he's Grochius' right hand man, Grochius and his evil army are planning to kill all life on every planet in the Galaxy so they can colonize on each of them and take over everything, they cannot survive in life formed planets such as earth, not without some special technology, you are the one who needs to stop him and the Grox army", said Major.
"What why, I can barely take down a Dronox you call", asked Todoroki.
"That's because you weren't prepared for them yet, you have some learning and training to do", answered Major.
"Okay I can be the Galaxy's hero, I don't want anything dying on any planet, especially earth", said Todoroki.
"You're more than the Galaxy's hero actually, you're also the rightful king of this planet chosen by Spode", said Major.
"What, no way not possible, and who's Spode", asked Todoroki.
"Spode is our holy spirit that always watches everyone here, he's like God, but Spores version, he chose you as our king Shoto, there's no turning back on this decision, and that's why I brought you here", answered Major.
"Okay what did I do that made me deserve the throne in the first place, I'm not too confident about leadership, especially if it's an entire planet", asked Todoroki.
"You're asking so many questions, well Spode saw you as someone who started off as cold-hearted and aloof but after some inspiration and convincing from your friend Deku, he saw that your true personality was starting to grow, well yes you still have some of that bad boy stuff in you even now but you're heroism is still growing stronger, that's why Spode chose you, you're a bad boy on the outside but deep down you're actually a kind-hearted person, you just don't show it all the time, and you can still be a little cold at times, mainly towards your father", answered Major.
"So Spode thinks I'm a good man", asked Todoroki.
"Yes, and a powerful hero too, he believes you can use your compassionate side to protect the Galaxy and everyone in it, and your brutal side to discipline people who don't cooperate with you", answered Major.
"Wouldn't that also be my compassionate side", asked Todoroki.
"Not necessarily, discipline can mean showing your bad side sometimes, but that doesn't make you a bad person though, now drink your soup before it gets too cold", answered Major.
Todoroki held his nose and drank the nasty soup.
"Eehhhhh that was terrible", said Todoroki.
"I know, but it's what we got until we reach Spore Shire", said Major.
"Spore Shire", asked Todoroki.
"That's the kingdom where you will be sitting on the throne, there's a huge castle with a big city built in front of it next to a mountain, that's where we're going", answered Major.
"Okay that makes sense", said Todoroki.
"Now get some rest Shoto, we gotta get up early tommorow to continue our journey, and before you ask, Spore Shire is not that far away from here, it's on the other side of the mountain heading north", said Major.
"Thank you for telling me everything", said Todoroki slipping the oxygen mask back on.
"You know you don't have to wear that anymore", said Major.
"It helps with the bad smell, partially", said Todoroki.
"Oh okay then, good night", said Major.
They both fell asleep as the fire was dying out.

Todoroki: The King Of Spore (My Hero Academia X Spore Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now