Chapter 18

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Barbados was searching through the forest and found a dead body just lying around with a spear stuck in it.
"It would be cheating if I just pick that one up, I'll eat that one since I'm hungry and I will actually bring home an animal that I will actually kill", said Barbados.
Barbados went to the dead body and was about to eat it until he was caught by tribal men that looked like Billy.
"Uhka", said a tribal man.
"You're coming with us", said another tribal man.
Todoroki was going through the bushes finding some food.
He found a coconut tree by a pond.
"That will do for plants", said Todoroki.
Todoroki walked up to the tree and tried to reach for a coconut with his staff.
"Hymm, I wonder if the staff of life has telekinesis"?
Todoroki tried using telekinesis with the staff of life and it worked, sort of.
"Okay that wears me out".
Todoroki tried kicking the tree to losen up the coconut more.
"Hey Sireroki", said Singtoo walking up behind Todoroki.
Todoroki got startled and turned around.
"Singtoo what are you doing you scared me", asked Todoroki.
"Sorry, I'm struggling to catch an animal, I need some advice from you", answered Singtoo.
"Use your best instincts, maybe Derrick can do something", said Todoroki.
"I don't know how a song can affect a wild animal", said Singtoo.
"I would recommend trying it on a prey and not a predator, for a start", said Todoroki.
"Okay I'll try, wish me luck", said Singtoo.
Singtoo walked back into the bushes.
"He's adorable", said Todoroki.
A coconut bonked on his head.
"So that's what it's like for a coconut to fall on you, oww".
Singtoo walked around the forest looking for an animal, he then found a small creature drinking from a pond.
"Well, I can at least snatch a small animal, sorry little guy but I need to pass this assignment", said Singtoo.
Singtoo jumped out of the bush and nearly landed on the small creature as it ran off.
"Aww man".
Singtoo felt a huge shake on the ground.
There was also shaking in the trees and bushes.
Mada wrestling a giant carnivore twice her size jumped out of the bush.
"Stay back little man, I'm wrestling a rouge porcoo here", yelled Mada struggling.
The porcoo roared and threw Mada at a tree.
It spotted Singtoo and approched to him.
"Oh no, please don't eat me I really don't taste that good", said Singtoo terrible.
"Uh oh, he's not going to stand a chance to that big guy", said Mada.
"Wait wait do you want to hear a song Mr porcoo", asked Singtoo pulling out Derrick.
"Oh he's not serious is he, I gotta stop that rouge", said Mada.
Singtoo played Derrick and the creature slightly became less ferocious.
"Lost in the forest, I approched a porcoo, who has beautiful horns and spikes on his back, oh the amazing porcoo is a mighty killer, with his sharp claws and teeth, he is on top of the chain", sang Singtoo.
The porcoo became confused.
"Did you just make that up", asked Mada.
"Yeah, I'm working on writing my own songs, it's a working progress", answered Singtoo.
"That wasn't too bad", said Mada.
The porcoo turned around and growled about to attack Mada.
"Alright bring it on big guy"!
The porcoo leaped onto Mada and pinned her down.
It felt a slight nibble on the middle of it's tail.
It was Singtoo trying to pull it off of Mada.
It lifted it's tail with Singtoo still hanging on.
It tried wiggling it and slamming it but Singtoo still hanged on.
Singtoo finally sank his claws in the porcoo.
"Oh yeah, I have claws too you big bastard", said Singtoo.
Singtoo used one hand to pull out a vine rope and winged it on the porcoos arm.
Luckly the rope wrapped tight around the arm and Singtoo pulled it back.
The force of the porcoo was a little strong for Singtoo but he still tried to pull it back anyway.
"Hey giant porcoo, you want to hear a song from me, I am Mada, strong goddess of the Galaxy, no that's terrible, I am the toughest of the tough, I have.... Oh forget it just watch me dance", said Mada.
Mada started busting out some dance moves.
The porcoo was distracted long enough to get tied up by Singtoo.
"Thank you Mada", said Singtoo.
"Hurry let's get out of here before...", said Mada.
The porcoo was able to quickly break out of the vines.
"The rouge breaks out".
The porcoo charged at Mada and knocked her at a tree.
"Hey spikey, let's dance", said Singtoo.
Singtoo played Derrick and started dancing.
The porcoo roared and charged at Singtoo.
Singtoo slide to his right and the porcoo missed.
Singtoo was dancing around the area as the porcoo was trying to grab him, but he was too fast for it to catch him.
Singtoo took the next level of dancing and bounced off from tree to tree.
Singtoo was going so fast that the porcoo got dizzy.
Singtoo failed at one of the leaps and fell flat on the ground.
The porcoos vision was blurry but it still saw Singtoo good enough to charge at him.
Singtoo grabbed a big sharp and pointy piece of stone and held it in front of him.
He was able to stab it enough to finally kill it.
It dropped to the ground, dead as a doornail.
"Singtoo you did it", said Mada walking up.
"I did, oh I did it", said Singtoo.
"That was pretty amazing what you did there, I guess size doesn't matter after all depending on what kinda skills you have", said Mada.
"Yeah, some of that I actually learned from Billy, he's trying to help me become a great warrior, helping me follow my original dream like Shoto is, I forgot how good it felt being like one", said Singtoo.
"Look I'm sorry I doubted you, I was told by my parents, if you're small, you can't become a warrior unless if you want to get squashed by something big, but it turns out you were a slippery one", said Mada.
"Being small doesn't mean you can't fight, Shoto said there were some small heroes on Earth, I did thought I was going to die by that rouge though, you might want to grab that", said Singtoo.
"Actually that porcoo rouge belongs to you", said Mada.
"Wait are you serious", asked Singtoo.
"You were the one who killed it", answered Mada.
"But I had some help from you, and you were the one who found it", said Singtoo.
"Actually I never planned on hunting down a rouge, it technically found me", said Mada.
"Oh, at least you're not badly hurt", said Singtoo.
"Don't worry I had worse injuries, I expect good things from you sir Singtoo, want me to help you carry that thing", asked Mada.
"Sure, hopefully this will at least make up a little bit from yesterday", answered Singtoo.
Everyone else except Barbados has returned to Easton and Major.
"A for grabbing a good looking doltasaur and picking out some good looking spore fruit", said Major.
"Yeah, sure I guess", said Sunny.
"Shoto those are some mean looking coconuts, and you picked out some good fish too, but you might want this ice pack for your head, otherwise you get an A", said Major.
"Thank you", said Todoroki grabbing the ice pack.
"What, you couldn't of grabbed a bigger creature", yelled Easton.
"Give me a break, I'm starting oof kinda small", answered Danny.
"Okay I can respect that, B+ not bad in general", said Easton.
Singtoo and Mada came back with the rouge porcoo.
"Whoa Mada, you picked out a good piece of meat there".
"Actually this is Singto's, I'm just helping him carry it", said Mada.
"Oh, that makes me even more impressed congratulations Singtoo you get an S+", said Easton happily impressed.
"Good job Singtoo", said Major.
"Thank you", said Singtoo.
"I'll go get my food don't worry", said Mada.
"Sure, I'll let it slide since you were just helping out a classmate", said Easton.
"Good luck Mada", said Singtoo.
"Thank you little warrior", said Mada.
Mada walked back into the forest.
"Nice work Singtoo", said Todoroki.
"Thank you Sireroki, wait what happened to you", asked Singtoo.
"Coconut", answered Todoroki.
"Ouch, those things hurt", said Singtoo.
"Oh yeah, especially the green ones", said Todoroki.
"Everyone, thanks to Singtoo we have a big roast tonight", said Easton.
"There's no way he killed that big thing", said Danny.
"Ask Mada, maybe she killed it for him", said Sunny.
"Okay, I'll ask her when she gets back", said Danny.

Todoroki: The King Of Spore (My Hero Academia X Spore Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now