Chapter 19

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Later that day, everyone had a feast and Mada got an A-.
"This tastes like kobe beef Singtoo you picked out a good piece of meat", said Todoroki.
"Technically I didn't plan on getting creature that big but surprise", said Singtoo.
"So it took you by surprise", asked Todoroki.
"Yeah, and I sticked to my instincts, well mostly, I've tried some things I learned from Billy", answered Singtoo.
"Nothing wrong with that, it just depends on what situation you're put under", said Todoroki.
Billy poped up out of nowhere.
"Billy proud, raaaaaaa", said Billy proud.
"Aww thank you Billy", said Singtoo.
"Hey Mada, did Singtoo really kill that rouge", asked Danny.
"Yes he did, I saw it with my own eyes", answered Mada.
"What no way", said Danny.
"Hey, I don't tell lies, if you think I'm lying then you're crazy", said Mada.
"Oh no I believe it, I'm just amazed that Singtoo took out a creature that big", said Danny.
"Barely but he did it, he survived tonight, and hopefully I can expect more amazing things out of him", said Mada.
"At first you thought he was too small for combat but now you're cheering him on", said Danny.
"I've learned something today, it doesn't matter what size you are, all it matters is how you fight including your powers and skills, I was foolish to think that size really matters", said Mada.
"It's okay, I had a feeling Singtoo would get around eventually, but his size did question me yesterday too, boy we were not good classmates", said Danny.
"Maybe this would be a good opportunity to actually get to know each other better", said Mada.
"I agree, maybe we should talk to Singtoo", said Danny.
"Hey wait where's Barbados", asked Mada.
"Major's looking for him, people are so concerned", said Sunny.
"That was kinda mean Sunny", said Danny.
"Life is a big pile of shit, why should I care", said Sunny.
"Okay, for someone named Sunny, all I see from you is gloom, this is so ironic", said Danny.
"And you are a bizarre individual, with your nightmares possibly coming to life", said Sunny.
"Okay I didn't say that", said Danny.
"Actually you did in a way, but Sunny that's no reason to be rude to him", said Mada.
"Whatever", said Sunny.
"Okay let's just get out of here Dan", said Mada standing up.
"Yeah I'm sick of sitting next to mister indifferent", said Danny standing up.
Major came back with some news.
"Guys, I have an idea where Barbados might be", said Major.
"Where is he", asked Easton.
"Follow me, we might have to arm ourselves too", answered Major.
Barbados woke up and found himself tied up to an old totem pole seeing a bunch of tribal kangadons with spears and stone axes.
"Hey what's going on, can someone explain what's happening", asked Barbados.
Bongos and drums were playing and the chieftain kangadon with a large crown and a skull staff walked up.
The bongos and drums have stopped playing.
"Stranger, speak your name", said the chieftain.
"Barbados, can someone tell me what this is about", asked Barbados.
"Barbados, you are the one who tried to steal our food", answered the chieftain.
"Ohhh, I'm sorry about that I didn't know it was yours, if you can untie me now I will never try to take your food again", said Barbados.
"I can I be certain that you won't", asked the chieftain.
"I'll check for spears, if I see a spear, I won't take it", answered Barbados.
"Sorry, we still can't let you go", said the chieftain.
"What, who even are you", asked Barbados.
"I'm Griffin, chieftain of the kangadon tribe, I show no mercy to thieves like you, burn him down", said Griffin.
"No wait please I'm a nice guy, I can do anything to make it even, I can clean your hut, I can collect firewood, oh I can even be on poop duty", said Barbados.
"Sorry, we don't need your assistance", said Griffin.
A tribal man walked up with a torch as the drums were playing.
"Don't panic Barbs, maybe you can break out of these ropes", said Barbados.
Barbados tried breaking out of the ropes but couldn't since his armor was stripped.
"Okay no I can't, how do escape artists do it".
The torch man was getting close to burning him until Major jumped out of the bushes.
"Alright stand back firestarter", said Major.
"The samurai", said Griffin.
"I'm not alone", said Major.
Everyone else walked out of the bushes, including Todoroki with his staff.
"Release our friend", said Todoroki.
"The rightful king of Spore, you wish to release this thief", said Griffin.
"He's not a thief, he's a student under samurai Major and combat master Easton, we had an assignment on survival and we were instructed to find some food, he never meant to still your's", said Todoroki.
"Technically I was actually going eat that and find my own, sorry I was hungry", said Barbados.
"Wait you were just hungry, why didn't you say so", asked Griffin.
"I could've just waited until after my assignment, but I have Anemia and really needed that meat, since they contain iron substances", answered Barbados.
"Wait, you're anemic", asked Singtoo.
"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you sooner I thought it would be embarrassing if I told you", answered Barbados.
"That's actually more sad than embarrassing, we're so sorry Barbs", said Mada.
"Let him go", said Griffin.
"Seriously, you're letting me go", said Barbados.
"You could've just asked, and we're sorry we didn't understand you better", said Billy
"It's okay, I'm just happy not to be burnt alive", said Barbados.
"Griffin anemic too", said Billy.
"Oh hi Billy", said Griffin.
"Raaaaaaa, me still incapable", said Billy.
"Actually I have heard about you with the kingdom, you taking down a bunch of strong warriors, completing warrior school in one semester, I was wrong to think you were incapable of being a hunter", said Griffin.
"What made you think Billy was incapable of fighting", asked Danny.
"Well since he was hyper and seemed a bit uncivilized, I just thought he would be too monstrous for combat", answered Griffin.
"Okay he doesn't talk much like the rest of us and he does act a little barbaric when angry but he knows how to control that wild nature inside he has", said Major.
"Yes we've seen him in training and he's more civilized than you think he is", said Easton.
"I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better, I'm not asking you to come back to the tribe, but would you like to stay for dinner tonight", asked Griffin.
Billy thought for a minute.
"We already have a roasted rouge porcoo back at camp so...", said Mada.
"Bring roast, Billy forgives", said Billy.
Everyone cheered.
"Okay let's get that porcoo Easton, Billy has a reunion tonight", said Major.
"Definitely one of the best students we ever had, to bad we only had him for one semester.

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