Chapter 8

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Singtoo was touring Todoroki around the castle.
"I'm telling you, you are going to love this place, especially your bedroom", said Singtoo.
"My bedroom", said Todoroki.
"Yeah it's beautiful, okay let's begin the tour with the with the front doors", said Singtoo.
They stopped at the main doors of the castle.
"Now here are the main doors that we all go in and out of the castle, and that walkway out there is the pathway to the village, perhaps I should tour you around the village too".
"Sure, that sounds nice", said Todoroki.
"Okay I'll grab the royal carriage", said Singtoo.
"Wait we're going right now", asked Todoroki confused.
"What you asked for an extended tour around the kingdom", answered Singtoo.
"Okay then, since I don't necessarily have anything else to do right now", said Todoroki.
Singtoo and Todoroki rode through the kingdom in the royal carriage.
"I gotta say, this is a nice ride".
"Yeah I know, it's the first time I'm riding in the royal carriage", said Singtoo.
"Is it really", asked Todoroki.
"Yeah I'm really just a bard and Vincent would never let me ride in it because it's for the royal class only", answered Singtoo.
"Yeah Vincent, of course", said Todoroki.
"Yeah I know he's very mean, but now that you're here, I can ride the royal carriage", said Singtoo.
"Only if you ask first", said Todoroki.
"Okay I'll ask first", said Singtoo.
"Where are we going first", asked Todoroki.
"Oh I was going to bring you to all the important buildings starting with the blacksmith right here", answered Singtoo.
The carriage parked in front of a blacksmith.
Singtoo and Todoroki hopped out of the carriage and walked into the blacksmith.
There was a creature pounding a hammer on an anvil trying to shape a sword.
"This guy here is Terry the raboon, he's great at making special armor and weapons".
"Singtoo, it's nice to see you again, oh and your majesty", said Terry.
"Nice to meet you Terry", said Todoroki.
"Oh do you mind if I can measure your hight and width so I can make the perfect armor for you", asked Terry.
"Sure I'm surprised no one's talked about my armor yet", answered Todoroki.
Terry used a special device to measure Todoroki.
"Isn't that cool, that device measures a lot faster than a measuring tape", said Singtoo.
"Alright with these measures I should get to work", said Terry.
"Ready to see the rest of the kingdom", asked Singtoo.
"Sure", answered Todoroki.
They hopped back on the carriage and rode around the kingdom seeing the rest of the buildings.
They rode by a plant nursery runned by a creature called a crayson.
"Here is the plant nursery where some of the most beautiful plants grow, and that guy there is Cory, our ecologist, hey Cory how are the flowers doing", said Singtoo.
"They're doing good Singtoo, it's nice to see you", said Cory waving.
They them rode by a library.
"This here is the library for the villagers, we have our own in the castle but you're welcome to come here if you like", said Singtoo.
They now rode by the cathedral.
"You've already seen the cathedral, this here is one of the pathways to it whenever you need to visit".
After they rode around the village, they went back to the castle and Singtoo walked Todoroki around the hallways.
"The village was really nice, especially seeing the arena", said Todoroki.
"Thank you, you know, for someone who can be distant and arrogant, you seem to be really nice to me", said Singtoo.
"I'm working on being more sociable every once in awhile, and yes I haven't been a good person in my past", said Todoroki.
"But you're not a bad kid, you're just dealing with some issues in your life, as us sporelings we have to learn and know everyone in the Galaxy, and you sir went through a lot of bad, just be lucky you weren't too far gone", said Singtoo.
"My dad has made a quirk marriage so he can have a child to become All Might's successor, and that had to be me, he pushed me to become his successor throughout my whole childhood, he wouldn't let me hang out with anyone, especially my family and his abuse led to my mother being hospitalized", said Todoroki.
"And you decided to rebel against him so you wouldn't become the number one hero like him, no wonder you wouldn't socialize with anyone, you were trying to avoid becoming like your father, but don't expect to be the best at everything, not everyone is good at everything, I'm still trying to write my own songs since I have been practicing Derrick with other songs", said Singtoo.
"I've already learned that, apparently I still have a lot to learn on becoming the number one hero", said Todoroki.
"But if you don't, please don't throw a fit like your father does, those rankings don't mean anything to me", said Singtoo.
"What are you saying by that", said Todoroki.
"I mean who thought of this number one or number two hero rankings, what does that mean, are they ranking them based on their power or something, oh wait, maybe it's based on their strategy in combat, but really I just don't think these rankings are necessary, couldn't people just be proud of what they do instead of turning it into a competition, no offense it's just my opinion", said Singtoo.
"I think I know why you brought that up, my father used to rival All Might for the number one spot, I guess the rankings made some heroes matter to them", said Todoroki.
"Exactly, they should just be proud of what they do and not where they're ranked, that's what I'm trying to say to you, be proud of what you do as a hero, so what if you might not be ranked number one in the future, you're number one to me", said Singtoo.
"I guess people want to study their amount of hero work or something", said Todoroki.
"You know, I see a bunch of marvel movies and they never had those rankings at all, nor the DC universe", said Singtoo.
"Okay I can relate to that, I think the reason why Japan ranked them was so the civilians can identify who are the greatest heroes a little bit easier, but I feel like some of them are not deserving for high rankings personalitywise", said Todoroki.
"I have a feeling some of them are hiding something, and after your father almost tore up your true personality and tore apart your family I wouldn't even call him the number two hero, I don't mean to be harsh but I would rank him rock bottom, I don't care how many villains he's defeated, all he cared about is a stupid rank", said Singtoo.
"He's working on fixing his mistakes now that he's become number one by default, try not to hold a grudge", said Todoroki.
"Sorry I don't know what came over me, being the best isn't everything, what really matters is what you do", said Singtoo.
"Okay I'm done with this subject, you just said the same thing again", said Todoroki.
"Oh sorry we should continue with the tour, by the way, there's nothing wrong with talking to a few people when you're going through problems, having a friend you trust can get you through some hard times", said Singtoo.
"That's what Midoriya did with me, he's the reason why I started becoming more open to people", said Todoroki.
"But you still underestimate some people, don't do that with the Grox, they are tougher than you think", said Singtoo in a serious tone.
"I'll do my best, I'm not overconfident after hearing how big their empire is", said Todoroki.
"So you want me to start with the throne room which you already know", asked Singtoo.
"I don't care where we start, I just wanna know how to get around this place", answered Todoroki.
"Okay I'll start with the feast hall then and save the throne room for last", said Singtoo.
Todoroki and Singtoo walked into the feast hall.
"Okay this place looks amazing", said Todoroki.
"I'm telling you this castle is huge, alright so this is the feast hall where everyone in the castle comes in to dine for a feast", said Singtoo.
"This looks medieval", said Todoroki.
"Oh yeah, there is a mix of medieval, modern and futuristic features in this kingdom, pretty unique huh", said Singtoo.
"I gotta say, it actually works", said Todoroki.
"And that's where you're sitting, up there on your dinner throne", said Singtoo pointing to a table on a raised platform with two blue royal cushioned chairs and a simple blue and grey throne in the center.
"Nobody told me I had a second throne", said Todoroki.
"Now next is the dinning room just right next door, and this one is more palace like", said Singtoo.
Singtoo open some double doors to a more palace like dinning room.
"Now before you ask, the dinning room is for breakfast and lunch and meeting with our allies and the feast hall is for dinner", said Singtoo.
"I see, this place is quite elegant", said Todoroki.
"Yep, wait until you see the next rooms", said Singtoo.
They walked into the kitchen.
"This here is the kitchen, where the finest foods are made, hey Pyro keep up the good work".
Pyro the chef gave Singtoo a thumbs up.
They walked into the magic wing of the castle where there was the alchemy lab and Heathcliff's wizard tower.
"Now this is what I like to call the magic wing, this alchemy room is where doctor Salador likes to make his healing potions, and the tower part of this wing is Heathcliff's wizard room, where he preforms his magic".
Heathcliff was preforming a magic spell.
"I think he's kinda busy", said Todoroki.
"He is, we can say hi to him later", said Singtoo.
They walked into an infirmary.
"This is the castle infirmary aka the hospital part of the castle, whenever someone gets sick or injured this is where they go".
"That's good, this castle even has it's own hospital", said Todoroki
They were now in the castle library.
"Now this is the library for the castle members, where the best books are on the shelf's", said Singtoo.
"How big is this castle", asked Todoroki.
"There's still some cool rooms to show, I already mentioned this castle is huge", answered Singtoo.
"Oh right, you did, my apologies", said Todoroki slapping his hand on his forehead.
"It's okay, let's show you the training grounds next", said Singtoo.
They reached the training area where they walked through the weapon testing room, the fighting room, and the outside where there was jousting training too.
"Finally, somewhere where I can train", said Todoroki.
"That's good, cause I'm routing for you, Kronan knows how to run this operation very well", said Singtoo.
They were now in mission control where there was also landing pads for spaceships.
"This here is the space wing, this is where people land and take off their spaceships, Buhga here is really good at mission control".
"Hey Singtoo, I see you are touring the king around the castle", said Buhga.
"I sure am, I expect good things from you when you assist him for whenever he leaves the planet", said Singtoo.
"Don't worry your highness I'm going to aid you through your missions", said Buhga.
"Wish we could stick around but we still have some touring to do", said Singtoo.
"Okay, it was nice meeting you", said Buhga waving.
They have now entered the living room with a fireplace.
"You'll love this room, the royal living room is very cozy", said Singtoo.
"You said it", said Todoroki sitting down in an arm chair.
"Try not to get too comfortable, you still need to see your bedroom", said Singtoo.
"Okay, I bet it's cozy in there too", said Todoroki standing up.
"Oh it's not just cozy, it's very elegant", said Singtoo.
Singtoo opened the door to Todoroki's bedroom that looks very elegant and fancy.
"Fancy isn't it"?
"It sure is", said Todoroki walking in.
"This is your bed, it's very comfortable trust me", said Singtoo.
Todoroki layed himself on the bed with canopy curtains feeling very comfortable.
"I prefer a futon but I'm going to sleep easy on this", said Todoroki.
"Yeah, but I must tell you something, I sleep in here too", said Singtoo.
"Do you really", asked Todoroki.
"Oh yeah, in the top drawer of the wardrobe", said Singtoo pulling out his bed in the top wardrobe drawer.
"That does not look comfortable", said Todoroki.
"Believe me it's not my choice, since there wasn't a room for me, Vincent forced me to sleep in this or else he was going to throw me into the dungeon, and I showed you that dungeon too it's scary, and this scar here was from getting scratched by the wood when I was sliding out one morning", said Singtoo.
"Even Mineta wouldn't want to sleep in that, Singtoo, Vincent should no longer make you sleep in that death trap now that I'm here, how about you sleep in my bed with me until I can get you a mattress to sleep on", said Todoroki.
"Really, you would let me do that", asked Singtoo.
"Since you got me around this ridiculously huge place, it's the least I can do, and Vincent was going to throw you into that scary dungeon just for finding somewhere comfortable, not cool", answered Todoroki.
"Thank you so much, it was really starting to hurt my back in that forsaken drawer, oh and yeah Vincent is not a good man", said Singtoo.
"That's not a plot twist, and I can't see you get anymore scars, those are nasty", said Todoroki touching his scar.
Kronan walked in.
"Oh there you are, I just want to remind you dinner is almost ready", said Kronan.
"Guess we're going back to the feast hall", said Todoroki.
"Well you've already seen the throne room so I guess I can put an end to this tour", said Singtoo.
"Sure, I was getting tired", said Todoroki.
"Vincent's not going to like me sleeping in your bed, are you sure he won't throw me into the dungeon", asked Singtoo.
"Don't worry I won't let him do that, not on my watch", said Todoroki.
Singtoo went up and hugged Todoroki.
Todoroki smiled and hugged him back.

Todoroki: The King Of Spore (My Hero Academia X Spore Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now