Chapter 13

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Everyone was in the dinning room preparing for dinner.
"Now remember guys, we're not going to sing tonight, we're just going to play our instruments", said Singtoo.
"How you feeling Major", asked Venti.
"I'm okay, it's Kayita who's preying", said Major.
"I'm preying for this dinner to be a success, I'm hoping Spode will help Shoto with his social skills", said Kayita.
"Really he's coming to dinner", asked Singtoo.
"Not physically remember, but really Spode is always with us anywhere we go because he's up there watching us all", answered Kayita.
"In the sky", asked Singtoo.
"Close enough, he's up there in heaven, watching us knowing who deserves to go to heaven or hell", answered Kayita.
"Sorry I'm still learning about Spode", said Singtoo.
"At least you believe in him, and that's what matters, I hope my prayers will help Shoto succeed tonight", said Kayita.
A knight man ran in.
"The king and the allies are coming", said the knight man.
"Everyone at your chairs", said Kayita.
Everyone stood at their chairs as the knights opened the doors.
Todoroki, Vincent, Kronan and the allies walked in and they reached their seats.
"Everyone, may we have the royal banquet, in honor of our new king", said Kronan.
"Hazzar", said everyone.
"Uhh, hazzar", said Todoroki.
Everyone sat down and sailor like servants brought out wine glasses and soup.
They passed them out.
"Since you're under the age your highness we got you a ginger ale instead", said a servant.
"Thank you sir", said Todoroki.
Todoroki looked at the soup and grabbed a the desert spoon.
Vincent gave Todoroki a mean stare.
"Uh sire, that's the desert spoon", said Kronan.
"Oh sorry, I'm used to eating with chopsticks", said Todoroki.
Kayita prayed even more.
A few minutes has passed and Todoroki was slurping his soup.
"Psst, your highness", whispered Venti.
Venti pointed to his finger bowl.
"Oh, it's very great soup", said Todoroki.
"No, this", said Venti dipping his fingers in his finger bowl.
Todoroki saw everyone dipping their fingers in their finger bowls.
"Why is everyone dipping their fingers in their soup", asked Todoroki.
"That's not their soup, it's their finger bowls they're dipping into, you have one right in front of you", answered Venessa.
"Oh sorry", said Todoroki.
The entrees eventually came out.
"I was right, the king does look handsome", said Jessica.
"But a bit awkward", said Kenneth.
Todoroki tried cutting a grape but it rolled down to the ground.
He grabbed it off the ground and ate it.
Everyone gave the heterochromic king a weirded out look.
"What, five second rule", said Todoroki.
Vincent face palmed.
After they ate their entrees it was time for dessert.
"Bring out the mint sorbet", said a servant.
The servants brought out mint sorbet and passed the out.
"Okay this looks like ice cream, we're talking dessert now", said Todoroki.
He took a big scoop of it and ate it.
He felt a very cold feeling in his mouth.
"Sire, are you okay", asked Venti.
"This is kinda cold", answered Todoroki with his mouth full and freezing.
Todoroki's mouth was freezing and he stomped his feet on the ground.
"Oh no, he doesn't know it's frozen", said Venessa.
"What do we do", asked Venti.
"Do what he did, take a lot of it", answered Venessa.
Venti and Venessa took a lot of the sorbet and all three repeated the words 'it's so cold' with their mouths full.
"They're acting like monkeys", said Kentucky.
"Excuse me", said Tucker.
"My apologies Tucker, I meant to say they're acting ridiculous", said Kentucky.
They finally swallowed and slammed their hands on the table trying to warm up their mouths.
"Well that was a freezing experience, and I've gotten frostbite by my ice powers before", said Todoroki.
"Next time take a little bit okay", said Major.
"Sure", said Todoroki.
Kronan tried to get everyone's attention by tapping his wine glass.
Todoroki did the same with his knife but his glass broke by the sharp edge.
A servant took the broken glass away.
"At least you got everyone's attention", said Singtoo.
"Too fill in this awkward moment, I would like to give a toast to our new king, Shoto Todoroki", said Kronan.
"King Shoto", said everyone raising their glasses.
"Only he's a bit clumsy", said Vincent.
"Clumsy", asked Todoroki.
"Oh yeah, with you and the glass, and the sorbet, and the grape, you made yourself a fool", answered Vincent.
"Father", said Venti.
"Silence Venti", said Vincent.
"I do have to agree with Vincent, what kind of king eats a grape of the ground anyway", said Kenneth.
"Yeah, and you should never take that much sorbet", said Chyril.
"I didn't know", said Todoroki.
"This dinner isn't the only thing that was wrong him, he has daddy issues", said Vincent.
"Dad best not to talk about that", said Venessa.
"He seems brave and tough on the outside but when it comes to his father, he's just a scared, sad, little crybaby deep down inside that rough shell", said Vincent.
Everyone laughed and Todoroki felt embarrassed.
"You hurt the king's feelings, shame on you", said Singtoo.
"Quiet you little runt", yelled Vincent throwing a piece a bread at Singtoo.
"Vincent why would you say something like that", asked Kronan.
"Just look at him Kronan, he's a complete joke, oh and his friend is a crybaby too, just a wannabe number one hero but has powerful rivals that could take it away from him", said Vincent.
"Nobody talks about Midoriya that way", yelled Todoroki.
"I am the steward, I can talk about anyone however I want", said Vincent.
"Well that's very rude, for now on until this dinner is over I don't want to hear another word out of your filthy mouth", said Todoroki angerly.
"You can't do that, besides, it's your own fault for your embarrassment", said Vincent.
Todoroki turned on his fire but also some other power mixed in.
He threw a fire ball just above Vincent.
"What, I never been able to create fireballs before, but that shows you Vincent, that shows you that I mean it", said Todoroki angerly.
"Calm down sire, let's finish this dinner strong", said Kronan.
Todoroki sat down.
He heard all the mumbling and covered his face with his eyes.
He was then in his room after the dinner.
"That was a disaster", said Todoroki.
"Why does my dad have to talk smack about you right in front of the allies", asked Venti.
"I know what he's up to, he's trying to make you look bad so you can become a tyrant like him", said Doven.
"That bat creature, he talked smack about Midoriya too", said Todoroki.
"I know that was harsh, but don't let Vincent get to you, you be who you want to be, also no more fireballs, I don't want anyone dying", said Kevin.
"But Shoto never formed fireballs before, not yet anyway", said Major.
"But that's not the only question, there were vines growing out of it too", said Kayita.
"Shoto, do you have any other powers we don't know about", asked Kronan.
"No just fire and ice, but I thought there was something strange with my powers", answered Todoroki.
"I thought I saw something strange when I came back from the bathroom, he had a strange blue glow around him", said Singtoo.
"I need to talk to Spode about this", said Kayita.
"What am I going to say to the allies", asked Todoroki.
"You just have to apologize to them, I'm sure they'll understand", answered Heathcliff.
"Okay I'll try", said Todoroki.
"I'll be in the cathedral if you need me", said Kayita.
Kayita left the room.
"The allies are not leaving until tommorow, you have time to apologize for everything", said Heathcliff.
"Thank you Heathcliff", said Todoroki.
"Now remember not everyone is going to sympathize with you, don't let the allies harsh words corrupt you if they don't understand", said Heathcliff.
"Why did I shot fire at Vincent, Heathcliff is right, I shouldn't let harsh words enter my mind", said Todoroki's thoughts.
"I think I'm going to apologize to them right now", said Todoroki.
"Go Shoto go, you got this", said Singtoo.
"I'm still thinking about putting him into training", said Kronan.
"That would be a good idea if he has strange new powers", said Major.
"I'll talk to him when he gets back", said Kronan.
"Shoto is already on his way to becoming a true king", said Major.

Todoroki: The King Of Spore (My Hero Academia X Spore Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now