《Chapter Two》

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Mark's POV

"We should give her a surprise!" Bambam drawls, "What?" Yugyeom asks, "What kind of surprise?"
"I was thinking about picking her up at school", the Thai boy replies, "Sounds good to me", Youngjae was up for Bambam's idea, which wasn't bad after all.
"Me too".
One by one they all decided to go with him, "And you Mark?" Jackson directed his question to me, "If you all are going then I'm going too", I reply in monotone.
We dance a couple of times more, and I risked to trip over when landing after the air flip, "Hey you alright?" Jackson pats my back crouching down next, I was massaging my ankle, "Yeah, ehm but can you get me some ice?" I ask turning my head to Jackson direction, he nods and walks away looking for some ice.

I placed the cold bag on my swollen ankle, it was getting worse as time passed, "Fuck!" I swore seeing how red it was.
"Stay here. We'll get Krys and we'll be right back, Jackson can stay here with you", assures Bambam patting my back and I nod.
The rest on the boys went out except Jackson who sat on the floor next to me, "Does it hurt a lot?" He asks worrisome filling his brown eyes, I hum in response.

Krystal's POV

I stared at the clock on the wall behind the teacher who was explaining about some projects we have to do.
Just one minute away from dismissal!
I watched the clock ticking as seconds passed, slowly.
Finally the bell rings signaling the end of a stressful morning.
It was two pm when I finally breathed fresh air. I descended the stairs in front of the university, I took a deep breath before I needed to run to the building: I prefer leaving the car there instead of here since it's a pain to find parking in front of my school.
Well, let's go. I thought to myself before I recognized some loud voices screaming my name.
"Krys!" I heard, this must be Bambam, and I wasn't wrong. I lifted my head to meet his face in front of mine covered by a black mask.
"Bambam" I smiled, soon I saw the others coming my way, I counted them and two were missing, I looked at the weirdly, "Where are Mark and Jackson?" I asked noticing that the two missing were those two.
"Mark has a sprained ankle and he remained with Jackson in the practice room", Jaebum explained.
My eyes widened, "Mark what?" I asked still shocked, "He tripped when he landed after the flip", Youngjae repeated, probably to them it wasn't a big deal, but it definitely was.
"And how's he now?" I panicked and grabbed Bambam by his arm probably with too much force, "We need to go to the pharmacy and get some bandage and some ointment" I said.
We went to the closest pharmacy which was near my house.
"I'd like some bandage, ehm... and some ointment- I don't know how it really works with sprained ankles" I scratched the back of my head in front of the pharmacist.
"Don't worry, I'll get you what you need", he smiled sincerely and disappeared behind the big furniture where all the common medicines were displayed.
I looked at them as if they were the most interesting thing I've ever seen till the pharmacist came back, "There you go. You have to put this on the sprained ankle three times a day and here is some bandages" he put everything into a plastic bag, "Thank you so much" I bowed and paid with the card.
The rest of the boys waited for me outside, it's going to take a bit to get to the building from here, "Let's go" I said as I stepped out from the pharmacy.
The nodded their heads and followed me, being loud and joking around, I had only one thing in my mind and I couldn't push it away: Mark was hurt.

I almost ran to the building and almost tripped on the stairs, "Shit" I cursed and rested a hand over my chest, the rest of the boys still behind me.
I totally hate running.
I abruptly opened the door panting like crazy.
Mark and Jackson's faces stared at me with widened eyes.
"Hey" Jackson smiles, "Hey" I quickly reply before sitting next to Mark.
"Are you okay?" I ask taking out the ointment the pharmacist gave me, "Rub some of this on your ankle" I hand him the little box.
He opens it taking out the tube, "Thanks" he smiled, I was caught a bit off guard by his beautiful smile.

I've seen him around here a lot, actually.
The firs time I saw him I was sitting in the cafe in front of the JYP ent, I was drinking my usual latte when he came out, my eyes followed him as he walked away, from that day on I kept on going to that cafè.
I've see him coming out, tired, happy, sad, angry, I've seen many sides of him.
Then one day I got the chance to work in JYP entertainment, and I obviously accepted.

"Wrap this around your ankle." I said giving him the bandages.
It's not like I like him, I just feel over protective over him, like an older sister since I'm a little more than one year older than him.

"Damn, you're fast!" Says Jaebum as he opens the door, I chuckle "We couldn't keep up with you!" Bambam added.
I stuck out my tongue.
"We need to take you to the doctor. You need to be checked" I state still looking at the swollen ankle.
Obviously he couldn't stand on both feet so Jackson helped him to the lift they used to get to the first floor.
I went out to get the car that was parked just a few blocks away and I was shivering since I forgot my scarf in the practice room, but I couldn't care the less right now.
I sprinted to the car when I spotted it, I opened the front door and sat in turning on the heat immediately, even before taking off my coat.
I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine and rang the horn as I saw the seven of them.
I rang the horn and they walked toward the car, soon the once calm place became loud.
Jinyoung sat in the front seat while the rest sat at the back.
"Krys how old are you?" Asks Bambam, "I'm 22" I reply, "I thought you were older" I hear Bambam say in a whisper "What did you say Bambam?" I stop at the red traffic light and shot a murderous look, "No I mean, not you as you but-" his mouth was covered by Jackson's hand, "He just likes to speak don't mind his words" he reassures.
"Whatever" I mutter before starting to drive again after the light turned green.

Words: 1166
Published: dd-mm-2015
Edited: 06-11-2016

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