Chapter 60: Fit For A King And Queen

Start from the beginning

She was just about to ask where she was but the woman in white decided to turn around right at that moment.

She was blindingly beautiful. The aura of beauty and purity that exuded from her left no doubt in Selena's mind about who this lady is. Her mouth opened in wonder before she reminded herself and knelt on both knees in front of the woman.

"Goddess..." she whispered with her head bowed, still in shock.

"Rise," she said as Selena felt two hands on her shoulders helping her up.

"I-" Selena whispered as her eyes rapidly took in everything in the room before returning to the Goddess in front of her, "I don't understand."

The Goddess smiled at her.

"Did I-I die?"

"Heavens, darling, of course not!" She exclaimed before chuckling slightly, "You are very much alive."

"Then how am I here? Is my family okay? What is this place?"

"These are questions you don't need the answer to right now. You are here because I summoned you."

Selena remained quiet. How was she supposed to react? She couldn't understand anything. She didn't know or anyone having met the Goddess yet, let alone being summoned by her.

For a second, she wondered if she had been injected by that mysterious poison too and was hallucinating. But then the voice of the goddess interrupted her thoughts.

"You are not hallucinating," she said with a mischievous smile.

"How do I know you aren't lying?" Selena took a cautious step back.

The woman opened her mouth to speak but then closed it again. Her eyes became glassy and Selena heard her voice in her head, loud and clear, 'What is Izzy saying, Selena? Does she also think this is a hallucination? What about Inara?'

Selena gasped and her eyes met the Goddess's, "I am as real as the war you just fought." The goddess ignored the astounded look on Selena's face and continued with a small smile, "The hunters... they had grown stronger than ever, this group. If you and Alpha Xavier hadn't defeated them, they would have ruined the whole species, making them go extinct."

Selena shivered in horror, but then her mind went back to all that they lost. She wondered how she wasn't freaking out and concluded it was because of the divine presence calming her down.

"And yet, we lost so many wonderful souls, Goddess. I lost my whole pack, my mate lost his mother. Seth... he was such a pure soul."

"That is why I summoned you here," the goddess said as she walked back and sat on one of the couches in front of the fireplace.

"I know this might be too much to ask, but," Selena paused. She was taking a risk here and she knew that. Asking something like from the goddess was something not many people will dare to do. But for the sake of the people she loves, she had to try. Selena bit her lips nervously and walked to stand in front of the goddess, "Can I request you to spare their lives? We have already lost so many warriors. And now, the whole family is struggling with some sort of poison which no one knows what."

"I handpicked you and Xavier Martinez, as mates." She looked at the fireplace in a steady gaze, never looking away, and continued talking as if Selena hadn't said anything. Selena took the hint and dejectedly, chose to remain silent. "You two struggled. You questioned my decision to pair the two of you. You questioned my divine gift to you."

Her blazing eyes now landed on Selena, making her wolf whimper and the werewolf knelt again with her head bowed.

"I apologize from the core of my heart, Goddess. I was in too much pain and I wasn't thinking straight. In no way did I mean to question you."

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