I've Been Wrong About Love And First Kisses

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written on Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 20:36 by J. Cooper

I've been writing books about it for years-

Love, I mean-

And a lot of my readers like to tell me how good at it I am-

But then you lifted my chin and kissed me and it made that sound,

And I realized how wrong I've been.

Love isn't an escape from the pain of my past-

It's the home everyone tries to keep me away from-

Love isn't just a kiss and those 3 words,

It's the promises made with them-

The 'I'll be there for you' and the 'I won't let them hurt you-'

Love isn't an emotion,

It's a state of being-

And I am there-

Love is a song about protection,

Love is a safety blanket,

Love is a hoodie,

Is a secret passed between people-

I've written a hundred- a thousand-

First kisses-

Not one was like ours-

I've always written them as a start or a finish-

But I was so wrong-

That wasn't a start, wasn't a finish, wasn't a hello or goodbye,

That was a promise- an 'I love you-'

That was no apology,

Neither one of us used it for more than it was-

I don't know what it was for you-

Other than awful because I didn't kiss back I should have kissed back-

But for me, that was a thousand unsaid words,

A gentle reminder I wasn't alone-

Not anymore, you've been where I've been- you know how it feels-

And the best bart was that was forever, even if you aren't-

I hope you are-

You don't get many firsts in life- but I'm glad I had that one with you.

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