My Story: The Truth I'm So Afraid To Share

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written on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 11:34 by J. Cooper

Well, I like to write a lot.

Poems. stories. Sometimes I do songs.

I just like to put words on paper,

Paper words on keyboards.

Because when I write the words trapped in my head

It's like I can think clearly for once.

My brain- my thoughts are always going.

Running, flying, soaring.



But I try.

I write the things on my mind,

I clear my head for a few minutes,

Enjoy being allowed to think about what I want.

It's worse when I forget my medicine-

Nothing bad, just ADD/ADHD pills-

Because when my thoughts are loose

They make lightning look slow.

And sometimes they tell me things, like

"Nobody cares about you,'

And I know it's not true,

But goddammit I wish they weren't so convincing.

They tell me I'm too skinny,

Cuz a girl at school once said I had the body most girls wanted-

Oh, I wasn't supposed to reveal that-

But now I hate being skinny

And I can't get fat

Because the pills make me less hungry,

And I barely eat, even without them.

So I always look small

And easy to push around.

But I'm not.

I'm not, okay?


I'm not...

im not okay.

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