Better Parents

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written on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 08:30 by J. Cooper.


I asked for life advice today-

It's rare I ask for help-

And it felt like I was given something I wanted:

Someone to listen to me.

My siblings hardly listen;

They hear and tone me out.

The last time my dad listened to me

He said he'd never accept my gender.

My mother acted like it was fine,

But if it was she'd never show me that stupid post-

A 'Why Gender Matters' post.

It was like a punch to the stomach,

Both of them being transphobic.

I came out at SIXTEEN-

That's a hard time to be alive.

Cause I also had depression,

And now I have dysphoria.

Depression, ADHD, ADD.

Body Dysmorphia.

Family is tough,

Parents even worse,

But online I can pick my own

Which is why Wattpad is my hometown.

You didn't do much yet,

Just called me 'sweetie'

But it made me feel loved,

Cause mom, dad, step mom-

They don't do that.


'Kid, doofus'

I've been 'moron' too.

So dear mom, dad, step mom,

I'm getting better parents.

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