this poem was supposed to go differently but oh well, i guess

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written on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 18:20 by J. Cooper

Sometimes I think I talk too much-

Maybe that's why I've lost so many friends.

Or maybe it's because of my honesty.

My writing too-truthful poem tendency.

But, hey, at least a few stick around,

Even if one left after I came out (kinda)

And there's this new friend I have- yes, that's you-

That I like to ask tons of questions,

Cause I think he's pretty cool.

Today I think New Friend got mad at me,

Which sucked cause I woke up in

A depressive episode.

Haven't had one in a while,

So what do I do?

I don't know.


Someone hold my hand.

Tell me I'll be okay.

Remind me I have a pulse.

Give me reason to live another day.

Nevermind, leave me alone.

Don't give me your stupid words.

I'm gonna go to bed, or maybe I'll just cry.

Screaming works pretty well too. Goodbye.

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