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A/N: Posting twice today just because I'm super excited for this story! Let me know your thoughts!

"You want to handcuff me?"

From outside the door, Diana could hear Stiles' voice, but something about it sounded different. It wasn't their Stiles standing there and it made Diana sick to her stomach to think about sheriff Stilinski alone in the loft with him.

"If my son is still here... If there's a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me. Because he knows I'm here to protect him, from himself and from others." The sheriff said, and for a moment, there was silence.

Diana let out a shaky breath when she heard the clicking sound of the handcuffs being locked and, for a moment, she let herself believe that there might be a chance that, standing there, was the real Stiles back. But when a loud, clattering sound was heard, they knew Void Stiles had broken the cuffs.

"You're not my son." Sheriff Stilinski said and, as soon as the words left his lips, the rest of them walked inside.

Void Stiles hadn't seemed all that bothered, really, just standing exactly where he was as Allison stood nearby, pulling out her electric gun and hesitating for a second before pulling the trigger. Diana gasped when Void managed to grab the electrical wires with his bare hands before pulling the gun away from Allison and throwing it aside. Derek howled then, charging at Void who also managed to defend himself quite well, pushing Derek back against a wall, as the werewolf groaned as he fell to the floor with the impact. Void turned to look at Diana next as if expecting a reaction out of her, but the girl just held his gaze for a second, pressing the button of the teaser in her hand as it buzzed with electricity.

Before anyone could do anything else, however, Mr. Argent pulled out his gun, throwing the safety off as he pointed it at Void. He turned to look at the man with a smirk then as Allison and Diana gasped at the scene, but sheriff Stilinski was quick to intervene.

"Argent, listen to me!" The man argued. "Don't do this!"

"Why not?" Mr. Argent practically scoffed as he kept his gun ready. "I've done it before... Werewolves, Berserkers... I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

Diana's head snapped toward sheriff Stilinski again when he pulled out his own gun and pointed it at Mr. Argent.

"You're not going to shoot my son!" The sheriff warned, but Mr. Argent was too busy staring at a smirking Void Stiles to care.

"You said it yourself, sheriff..." The man said. "That's not your son."

"Put it down!" Stilinski demanded. "Put it down!"

"Dad, he's going to shoot me." Void Stiles pleaded and, for a second, his voice sounded so broken and vulnerable it almost made Diana want to cry. "He's going to kill me, dad."

"Don't listen to him." Mr. Argent warned.

"Put it down! Now!" The sheriff tried again as Argent kept his gun pointed at Void Stiles. "Do it! Put it down!"

"Pull the trigger..." Void almost challenged. "Come on!"

And, after that, as the sun started to set outside, the room suddenly turned into a screaming match.

"Listen to me, you put the gun down now!" The sheriff continued to argue,

"Shoot me!" Void Stiles urged, again and again.

"Dad..." Allison pleaded, quietly, not really believing her dad was so willing to shoot down Stiles.

"Shoot me!"

Unspoken - Book 3 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now