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"Hey." Stiles smiled gently as he turned around in his seat quickly before the class started to look over at Diana when she sat down on her usual seat behind him. "Any news on Danny?"

"Not really." Diana sighed, looking back over her shoulder toward the seat Danny usually took. "I heard he's... Fine, though, so, that's good, I guess."

"That's great." Stiles nodded, noticing the worry on her every word, frowning a little as he looked her over, trying to figure out a way of helping her only to notice the little bandage wrapped around her forearm. "Hey, what's that in your arm? Is that from the explosion?"

"Yeah." Diana nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"Did you go see a doctor?"

"No." Diana shook her head. "It didn't hurt, so I just put on some healing ointment on it and wrapped it in a bandage so mom and dad wouldn't worry."

"It didn't hurt?" Stiles repeated. "At all?"

"No, why?"

"Because it looked like it would hurt."

"It didn't."

"But, Diana, the skin was..."

"Good morning!" Ms. Blake said, walking into the room, rather awkwardly, considering that wasn't her actual class and forcing Stiles to sigh as he turned back around in his seat to look at the teacher instead of pressing Diana for more information on her wound.

Diana sat quietly in her chair, her heels tapping against the floor as she checked her phone every so often to see if Danny's mom would, at any point, tell her anything about Danny's state. Diana wasn't entirely sure what had happened yet, but Scott had told her bits and pieces of what he had seen - Danny being carried into the hospital by Ethan, having trouble breathing before vomiting a whole lot of mistletoe. Thankfully his mom had been able to help him and now Danny was stable - not great, not bad, but stable -, but, considering there had been a murder related to one of the workers in the hospital, Scott was very vigilant about his mom's well being considering the new strings of sacrifices could possibly be connected to anyone considered a healer. And Melissa McCall fit that description to a T.

So, if it was a good morning as Ms. Blake had said, Diana wasn't entirely sure to whom she was talking to.

"As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing - I mean sick." Ms. Blake said, as Diana kept tapping her pen over her textbook nervously. "Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?"

And, as soon as Ms. Blake turned her back on them to write on the board, Stiles leaned closer to Scott to whisper with his best friend as Diana leaned over as well to try and catch their conversation as well.

"Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation." Stiles said. "They just don't know how."

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott asked, as Stiles shrugged.

"I don't know..." Stiles said. "But Scott, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital at least, you know? Any one of them could be next."

Scott nodded then, a little unconvinced, but turned away from Stiles and Diana to pick up his phone as he leaned down under the desk. Diana and Stiles watched him quietly and, upon hearing Deaton's name, they frowned, waiting expectantly for Scott to hang up the call before sitting back up again.

"Is everything okay?" Diana whispered, noticing the vacant look in Scott's eyes.

"No." Scott shook his head as Diana bit her lip. Great, another good news for them. "Deaton said he's about to be taken."

Unspoken - Book 3 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now