Alpha pact

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After having her mother transferred from Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital toward another hospital nearby since the previous one was going through quite a lot of difficulties at the moment with the raging storm going on outside, Diana had accidentally met Lydia when the girl had been brought in after having been found unconscious in a classroom at school. So, of course, after she had been cleared and the two girls exchanged stories about what had happened to them in the last twenty-four hours that they had been apart, they decided not to let go of one another anymore and, considering Lydia seemed to be fine and Sabrina's body had already been sent to the morgue, Natalie and Charles decided to let the two girls have a sleepover together, in the Hills house while Declan decided to spend the night with his best friend Corey from school.

All through the night, neither of the girls talked much. Everything that needed to be said had been already said. Sabrina being the second philosopher to be sacrificed and was now very dead, much like Diana's biological parents and the music teacher at school. Lydia being taken by Ms. Blake - who, apparently, had been the Darach all along - and almost getting choked to death in a classroom. Since she was unconscious, Lydia couldn't tell Diana how she was saved, but she swore she had seen Sheriff Stilinski there and Scott, just before she closed her eyes for the last time, but neither of the boys - or Allison, for that matter - had called or texted them yet, so, during the night, the two of them just laid together in Diana's bed, basking in the comfortable silence of the girl's safe room, waiting for their sleep to come.

Diana didn't know when, but, eventually, she did fall asleep. Not enough, obviously, since, as soon as her alarm rang the next morning, she felt the desperate need to murder somebody, but, considering she had never been a morning person to begin with, that was actually expected anyway.

Lydia smiled when she heard Diana groaning as she turned off her alarm, turning around in the bed as she smiled at her best friend gently.

"Do you want to go to school?" Lydia asked, as Diana sighed.

"Do I ever?" She joked gently as Lydia chuckled. "We have to, though, don't we? We have to know what's going on."

"I guess." Lydia shrugged. "But no one's gonna blame you if you want to sit this one out."

"I should be the one asking if you'd like to sit this one out." Diana said. "I mean, I wasn't the one who was almost murdered last night. So... Do you want to sit this one out?"

"No." Lydia shook her head, without a second of hesitation. "No, I don't."

"Well, then." Diana smiled a little as she pushed the covers from over her body and sat up on her bed. "I guess if you want to hide the scar on your neck, we can figure it out. I mean, I did help you hide a few share of hickeys on your neck from your mom before."

Lydia smiled, but once she noticed the way Diana moved to stand up from her bed and, most likely, go grab her makeup to start getting ready for school with Lydia, the redhead reached for her best friend and placed a hand on her wrist to stop her.

"What's wrong?" Diana turned to look at her, suddenly worried.

"Nothing's wrong." Lydia assured, sitting up on the bed as she took a look at herself on the big mirror in front of Diana's bed, her eyes never leaving the mark on her neck. "It's just... Someone tried to strangle me... And I survived. I don't need to hide that."

At her words, Diana smiled, nodding proudly at her best friend as she realized the amazing, strong woman Lydia was becoming right before her eyes.

"No. No, you don't." She agreed, squeezing Lydia's hand on hers, offering her as much strength as she could while pulling some from her as well. "But we're still gonna get ready together, right?"

Unspoken - Book 3 - S.S.Where stories live. Discover now