Jungkook turned around to walk out when he heard Namjoon speak up.

"Hey," he said sitting up in his bed, "Come here." He lifted his arm up gesturing for Jungkook to come lay down with him. Jungkook stood there hesitant, he wasn't sure he wanted to be that close right now.

"Kook it's okay." Namjoon tried to reassure him. The maknae slowly went over and crawled into bed with his hyung, resting his head against Namjoon's chest. Namjoon put his arm around Jungkook and gave him a tight hug. It was silent as neither of them spoke, until Jungkook began releasing tears onto Namjoon's shirt. Namjoon watched his maknae's tears for a moment before he began to cry himself.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry." Namjoon used his sleeve to dry his tears as well as his maknae's.

"Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I don't know what I did hyung. How can I fix it? You've been acting so mean to me lately and I can't figure out why and I don't know what to do. I miss you. I'm sorry if I'm a bad brother I promise I will do better!" Jungkook's sobs were muffled as he buried his face into Namjoon's chest. He didn't know how to get his leader to love him again, the way he had not even two days ago, and it was tearing him apart. He must've failed at being a little brother somehow. He must've said or done the wrong thing. Maybe he had taken a joke too far? Or had been disrespectful and never realized? A million reasons swirled through his head.

Namjoon hugged him tighter. His heart was so broken. He couldn't believe how mean and nasty he'd been to his little brother, but also never realized how bad Jungkook now felt on the inside. A bad brother?! Jungkook is the best maknae in the world!

"Kookie!" Namjoon was sobbing now too. "You never did anything wrong okay?! Never! It was me. I'm the bad brother. I promise you you're an amazing brother and I'm so sorry for everything. I'm done being mean now, I promise. I'm so sorry I hurt you so much, I never meant to. I don't know what came over me, you know how much I care about you. I love you so much Jungkookie, we all do. You know that right? All six of us hyungs love you so much. You know why? Because you're an amazing brother. Please realize that. Me being upset has to do with my own issues. Its nothing you could ever possibly understand."

Namjoon didn't want to tell Jungkook that he's seen the black figure too. The other members had already spent a lot of time trying to convince the maknae it was just a bad dream, he didn't want to ruin that progress. Telling the maknae he'd seen it too would just scare him more. Especially if he admitted the figure was trying to hurt the boy.

"But what if you get mad at me again? I mean you've been mad at me before but you're usually always so calm. Recently  though you've been more than just mad. Youve been...mean. First screaming at me, and throwing my cards, and..." Jungkook hesitated but pulled his arms to show the scratches. "And this. Why'd you do this?"

Namjoon felt his heart sink to the floor. He grabbed both of Jungkook's arms and gently felt the scratches. "I...I did this to you?" More tears filled his eyes.

"Yes. When Yoongi hyung said we were leaving early you got mad and started digging your nails into me. It scared me, hyung."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize." Namjoon's voice trailed off when he realized that every time he did something to hurt Jungkook he immediately lost the memory of it. It scared him. What if I had done something much worse? What if I ended up hurting him badly and couldn't control it? He reminded himself that he already confronted that DEMON in his room and told it to back off of him and Jungkook. From now on Namjoon's ultimate duty was to protect his maknae like he always had, and never hurt him again.

"I figured it was an accident, but...one problem." Namjoon stared at Jungkook curiously as the youngest spoke, "Tae-Tae hyung...he saw you scratch me and he doesn't believe it was an accident. Everyone is really upset with you after that and the UNO thing."

Not What We Expected. {JJK x BTS/NamKook}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ