Bellamy Blake (the 100)

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(y/n: female. she/her. 18y/o) (2,290 words!)

(enjoy this very very very long one shot that i wrote with a lot of meaning and love)

Y/n pov

It had been almost a week since we landed on earth. I tried to help as much but also tried to stay out of everyone's way.

I stayed near my cellmate, Octavia Blake, most of the time. When Octavia was off sucking face with a guy, I stayed in the dropship by Monty and Jasper.

They were doing their tech stuff but I just helped out whenever.

I was arrested on the Ark for stealing an extra ration of food for my sister. Well, she wasn't really my sister, but her parents died because of a flu out break when she was 7 so my parents took her in. 

She was pregnant and unmarried which was illegal but she wanted to have the baby in secret. When I was arrested, the Ark leaders found out the truth and floated my sister. Even though she was seventeen, her birthday was closer than mine, so they floated her instead of me.

Anyway, I shared a cell with Octavia for a good portion of over a year until we were sent down here. 

She would tell me about her brother and about how hard he fought to keep her safe all those years I was hidden. 

The way she described him in her stories made him sound like such a hero. I imagined him with dark hair and dark eyes and a dangerously mischievous smirk on his face. 

And oh god, was I right. 

He followed us on the transport to Earth and he's been making me crazy ever since. 

The first time he took off his shirt, Jasper had to catch me so I didn't fall over. and every interaction i've had with him, my face got so hot it felt like I was going to explode. so, i tried to avoid him as much as possible.

Right now I was in the forest around the drop ship collecting some sticks and dried brush for our fire tonight. 

Fox and Monroe were with me and they couldn't stop talking about the guys that came down with us. 

"Okay, but Adam literally was about to kiss me last night and now he's with Octavia," Fox groaned. 

Monroe nodded. "This is so true. Finn was talking to me when we first got here. But then Clarke showed up and now he's all interested in her."

"Harper said Finn used to have a girlfriend on the Ark. Maybe Clarke looks like her," I spoke up.

We finished up collecting sticks and headed back to the drop ship. 

A camp was slowly starting to form. We had began to make little huts out of branches but most people still preferred to sleep in the drop ship.

The sun was setting and John Murphy and the other guys were waiting for us to come back with the fire materials.

"Thanks babe," He smirked as I dropped my armful of wood into the rock circle we hd made.

"Whatever John," I rolled my eyes.

I was so not interested in him. But since we got here, he's been flirting with me. He reminded me of a bug, and he smelled like literal feces. 

I began to walk back to the drop ship when I heard footsteps following me. 

"Hey, wait! Whatcha doing later?" Murphy asked.

"I'm helping Monty set up a satellite base," I didn't bother looking at him. "Jasper's too busy to help him and I volunteered."

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