Chapter 114: Logan

Start from the beginning

"Liking anyone aside, I think you two are old enough to know the truth." Mom slipped one arm around Brody's wide shoulders and tugged him closer, then did the same around mine until we sandwiched her. "After Brody was born, I got my tubes tied."

My outside hand palmed my forehead as my stomach dropped.

That's gross.

"Mom!" Brody groaned while the sound of the first giggle I'd heard in more than a week escaped out of Ellie and looked at her.

By the way Ellie clamped her hand over her mouth and flipped her eyes up at me, her reaction surprised her just as much but her reaction pulled a smile on my mouth.

Mom's admission must have struck an internal nerve of Brody's because he lamented, "I can't unhear that... Or sit next to you on the car ride home now."

"You'll be fine, I'll tell you all about it." If Mom's words hadn't embarrassed Brody enough, the kiss she planted on his red cheek sealed his fate.

Brody fell silent but the scowl that wrenched his face in total disgust showed he wanted nothing to do with that conversation.

Me neither. Good luck, Brody.

"For Brody's sake," Ellie interjected. "I think we should catch our flight, Logan."

Mom released Brody and I with a slight shove and flung herself onto Ellie, who stumbled back a few steps while her hands clutched onto Mom's back. "Sweetie if you need anything, anything let us know."

"S-sure," Ellie squeaked out.

"Those college trips," I asked Brody quietly while Mom finished her near-strangulation of my girlfriend. "Do they include U-Dub?"

His face relaxed slightly and he nodded with a slight grin. "I'll text you."

"You'd better." I pulled Brody into a slight bro-hug then slapped his back and pulled apart. Since Ellie's eyes were wide at this point, I tapped Mom on the shoulder. "I need this one breathing, Mom."

"You silly idiot," Mom pulled back with streams of tears down her cheeks, then sniffled what sounded like an entire nose full of congestion at me. "I'll miss you two."

Fuck, not her ugly cry.

"We'll call, Grace," Ellie assured her and reached for my hand.

I clamped both hands on Mom's shoulders, steered her towards Brody, and took Ellie's outstretched hand. Brody shook his head and crossed his arms before one hand lifted in a wave. Mom stood next to him, hands clasped over her heart, and smiled through her tears.

"Your mom is adorable," Ellie said quietly while we weaved our way through the airport security line, then paused at the most likely goofy grin on my face. "What?"

"One of the first things she said about you." I leaned forwards and brushed a kiss against my girlfriend's dry, pale lips. "Still true."

Ellie just shook her head, then handed her ticket and license to the security agent, but the corners of her mouth stayed uplifted. Once we'd threaded through security and put our shoes back on, I trailed slightly behind Ellie because one fact was absolutely true.

I'm completely whipped... and it's not as bad as I thought it'd be.

 and it's not as bad as I thought it'd be

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