I have a Girlfriend

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Joshua ran to find Vesper. This was just beyond the limit and he was pretty upset. He found Vesper and pulled her to an empty classroom.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? You think I posted that. Why would I? It wasn't me."

"As if I would believe you. What do you want?"

"You. I want you."

"I already have a girlfriend. So, you better stay out of my life and  stop trying to bring problems in our relationship."

"It's y/n. Isn't it? What does she have that I don't?"

"Well at least I know she won't cheat on me to show off like you did?"

"You're unbelievable."

Joshua was frustrated. He really liked you. And, now that you had an idea of his past with Vesper, he didn't want to ruin things with you. He went to the classroom ignoring the people around him to see you sitting by the window with a gloomy mood. He wanted to explain himself as soon as possible.

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