The Book Store

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We ran all the way. We did get wet, but not too much since it was just drizzling. I could see the sparkle in his eyes when we reached there. I overheard him talking to his bestfriend that he loved reading books. I did too. I brought him to the book café. When we went inside, there were a very few people.

We took our order of coffee and chose a table at the corner near a big window. I loved reading books. I would stay up all night just to finish one. But, never had I lost my focus from reading. Today, the only thing I could focus on was Joshua. The way his expressions changed when he read, his smile, those deep dimples and the way he adjusted his glasses that kept slipping down his nose. Stop being so adorable.

He looked up from the book and our eyes locked. It was silent.

The book closed and a new story began.

After spending an hour or two, we decided to have pizza for lunch. It was technically a date.

"So tell me about yourself."

"What would you like to know?"

"Your full name, age, weight, height and your grades."

"Umm... Joshua, 16..."

"Wait! I am just joking. Tell me about your hobbies? Your school life before."

"I like reading and listening to music. I like books which help me grow as a person and I like slow and soothing music. I told you once that I can play the guitar. My school life before was pretty normal, nothing special. Tell me about yourself."

"I like music too, but I am more into the pop genre. I like books which make you learn human values and morals, and have amazing characters that you fall in love with. And my school life, its better if don't talk about that. It's sad."

LAVENDEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora