A Sleepover!!

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The week went by fast but it was stressful. No matter how much I tried to cheer up Joshua, he would still be gloomy and self contained. And Vesper, she did not leave a single chance to come flirt with Joshua. When I tried to take Joshua away, Giselle would pull me aside and bother me. These toxic sisters.

It was the weekend. My mom had gone to a relative's house for a week and my elder brother was at a sleepover with his friends. What does that mean? I had the whole house by myself. I was pretty freaked out. I was a scaredy cat. Therefore, I invited Joshua for a sleepover. I know it sounds risky but I did.

Well, my reason was simple. We had a big test coming up next week. It was important because it would contribute to the final results. Joshua was intelligent, at everything, so I called him over so that we could study together. Strangely, he agreed. My mom is going to kill me if she finds out that I'm having a boy over.

I started studying by myself, without wasting much time. I got tired after 2.5 hours of continuous studying. He still hadn't arrived. Just on cue, the doorbell rang. Usually I would just run to open the door, but I checked myself twice in the mirror. Things I do for Joshua. Again, he was wearing glasses. We had met up just to study, but if he keeps getting adorable, I'm afraid I might not be able to control myself and kiss his soft pink lips.

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