Start of a Tsunami

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I was officially dating Joshua. We didn't reveal it publicly because we didn't want to rush things. This past week being with Joshua had been amazing. He is a very caring boyfriend. We walked to school together, walked back home together and had lunch together. We didn't want to be apart but we had to.

What was strange was that Vesper and Giselle had been very quite lately. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. Giselle did bother Jake a lot but I could see she really likes him. She always did, only if I were a bit more considerate and didn't date Jake, we would have been friends till date.

It was Monday morning and I entered school with Joshua. We talked about our weekend on the way to school. As soon as we entered school, people started congratulating Joshua. It was weird. As long as I remember, he didn't win any basketball match neither did we have any test where he would have scored great.

When we reached the corridor, everyone was reading some article on the school page. I looked at my phone too. I was shocked. It was pictures of Josh and Vesper saying that they were an official couple. So this is what she was up to. Before I could talk to Joshua, he ran somewhere.

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