Of course it hadnt, as much as Dream tried to deny it he loved the words that had spilled from George's mouth. But he knew George wasn't his, he couldn't. "It's alright, it didn't. You were just drunk, I get that '' Dream spoke with a wide smile.

George looked at Dream, smiling back at him. "Yea. drunk- I was drunk." George spoke, still remaining eye contact with Him.

"George you're good, we all say random things while drunk" Dream spoke with a slight laugh, giving a convincing smile.

He said it with so much confidence, like he meant what he was saying.

Maybe George would have believed him, but something was off. The smile Dream was giving him made him believe it but his eyes, the way his eyes seemed to be saddened when he said it.

"Remember that time when sapnap drank like a sip of his moms drink and acted like he was hang over drunk?" Dream spoke, redirecting the topic.

"Then the rest of the night he would act like he was falling over" George laughed

"Yeah and his mom was like 'oh no honey since you're so drunk I guess you won't want ice cream huh?' and he completely snapped out of it" Dream laughed

"He's so stupid" George smiled "then he dropped his ice cream on the side walk and got so salty"

"He's always been a troll huh?" Dream teased

"That's our sapnap" George agreed


"You need a ride home?" Dream asked, drying his hands on the kitchen towel

"That would be nice" George answered

"Alright let me go get my keys, i'll be out in a sec" Dream spoke as he hurried up the stairs

George stood outside the front door waiting for him to come down, soon enough he did and they both made their way to the car.

They drove down the street, music playing on the radio and the weather was gloomy.

"What's that?" George asked quietly

An animal seemed to be in the middle of the road ahead of them. Dream slowed down, pulling to a park as he got out of his car to check what it was.

A cat. It was a cat, it had green eyes with tanish brownish fur. It had a white spot of fur on its belly and its leg seemed to be scrapped.

George approached behind Dream, "i'm pretty sure they're hurt" Dream spoke turning towards George.

It laid on its side, seeming alert to the fact Dream was so close. Dream slowly raised his hand to pet them, at first the cat seemed to be tense but slowly relaxed themselves.

"We should take them to the vet George,I don't think they can walk on their leg if they are laying in the middle of the street"

"Yeah, we probably should"

Dream carefully slid his hands under the cat, lifting them up and walking towards the car.

"You have to hold- her?" Dream spoke, handing George the cat


Dreams parked his car in the first empty parking spot that he saw. Getting out of the car, George followed holding the cat as he walked towards the entrance door.

The walls have paintings of animals, brochures about how to treat animals with certain conditions, and pets with their owners, waiting to be seen. Dream and George walk towards the attendant by the counter.

"Oh my" The attendant speaks as she sees the cats injury

"We found them in the road" Dream spoke "Would you be able to treat her, or just make sure her leg isn't too badly hurt

The attendant noded, as she asked Dream a few questions before telling him and George to sit down. That they will be seen momentarily.

They waited around five minutes, George and Dream petting the cat as she purred. Dream tapping his foot on the floor, nervous that something could be seriously wrong with this cat. He had no idea why he found himself caring so much but he did. The cat's eyes looked as if she was tired, Dream wondered how long it had been since she had had proper places to sleep. maybe he could buy her a bed, and some food to go along with it.

"Dream?" a vet nurse asked

"Yes" He answered

"And who's this?" She asked looking at the cat in Georges arms

"We haven't picked a name for her yet" George answered

"Can you go ahead and place her on the bed" The nurse asked, George doing as she told

She started to look at the injury,"good news, it's only a scratch. With a few antibiotics and care she should be alright in around two weeks"

"So she'll be able to walk on it after it's healed?" Dream asked, the nurse wrapping the cats leg with bandages

"She should be fine" The nurse spoke with a smile "let me go get you guys some of the antibiotics, you can head to the front"

She spoke, handing the cat back to George.

They walked back to the front, the nurse coming from the back moments later.

"These are the meds, you should give them to her every 24 hours as instructed" the nurse spoke

"Okay, thank you" Dream responded, offering a smile

"Of course"

Dream paid for the vet costs, handing his credit card to her. George held the cat as she seemed to be dozing off, she must have been tired. Once Dream had finished paying they exited the building, and they went back to their car. Dream opened the doors for George so that he wouldn't disturb the cat that laid in his arms. Dream sat himself in his car, placing the bag of antibiotics in the backseat. "What are you gonna call her?"

Dream looked over at the cat, she had fallen asleep in George's lap.


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