Mawimbaya Joto History (IMPORTANT)

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Years ago, three islands were formed, very close together. They formed on one of the hottest tropical areas on Earth. Mawimbaya Joto translates to "heatwave". The days on the islands are scorching, and the nights are humid and warm. Prey animals found this area, which attracted predator animals.

There are three islands; the Jangwa island, a sandy desert, a mix of rock, canyon, and dunes.

The Kitropiki island, a lush jungle with a sandy beach around it. Amazing rivers flow through the land, and beautiful flowers bloom.

The Nyanda island, a beautiful golden savanna. Great baobabs plant themselves within these plains, reaching to the heavens. This island has barely any salt water.

With the islands, come the animals. Seven predator species currently roam the lands.

The crocodile, which lives within the Kitropiki Island and the Nyanda Island.

The hyena, which lives within the Jangwa, Kitropiki, and Nyanda Island.

The caracal, which lives within the Jangwa and Nyanda Island.

The jaguar, which lives exclusively in the Kitropiki Island.

The lion, which lives in the Jangwa and Nyanda Island.

The tiger, which lives only in the Kitropiki Island.

And the coyote, which lives in the Jangwa, Kitropika, and Nyanda Island

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