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Many centuries ago upon a far off distant plane lived two brothers Xeor and Aeor.

In the beginning they both cared dearly for each other, though as time passed they slowly drifed away from their counterpart.

This reason being the fact that both brothers, at birth, were gifted curious abilities though only one of the two really seemed a gift while the other might be considered more of a curse.

Aeor the first born of the two was gifted with a surreal light and life oriented power being able to allow life to prosper in even the roughest conditions such as high mountain ranges and ocean depths.

On the other side Xeor was seemingly cursed with a dangeous power over death, darkness and corruption. You could always tell where the second brother had passed through as in his wake tendrils of condensed netherwart as well a unnaturally  frigid climate was left returning to normal only after weeks of him being gone.

The inhabitants of the world responded in strange ways to these new additions to their society with some treating them as gods, while some believed in them only as an old wives tale and other not believing in them at all.

The people whom treated the brothers as deities were divided into three groups: the Acolytes of Aeor, Dark disciples, and the church of balance. However the church of balance over time gradually integrated into the other two groups as it was quite clear many favoured one brother over the other.

These religions were one of the main reasons the two brothers were falling away from each other as Aeors followers were regarded and peace bringers while Xeor were called fanatics and considered a bad omen.

Over time the two completely lost contact only hearing of each other through rumours.

One day that all changed as Xeor was fed up with being mistreated by people, day after day having curses thrown at him. So on that fateful day...

He snapped

As rapid as an ocean tide his corruptive powers took over his body. Contorting it and turning his once human appearing body into a twisted demon esque amalgamation with crimson eyes and a thirst for blood.
Soon a change was noticed among the villages of the world as temperatures drastically fell and many lakes began to freeze over oceans being the only untouched body's of water.

Soon after another change appeared with ginormous red tenticals burst through the ground reaching meters in the air seemingly attempting to pull down the sky.

The final changes that were allowed to happen appeared in the form of floating lava filled gemstones littering the sky...

The only one who could prevent this madness from going further was Aeor. The young adult however wanted nothing to do with his now corrupted brother as he had now found something... no someone to distract him.

A month prior the the current events of this world Aeor had met a boy named Morue. The moment eyes were laid upon him Aeor fell deeply in love. Luckily it turned out the boy felt the same way. The two were soon married. matching rings now adorned their fingers. They were gold with a single intricately woven metal rose lying utop.

However back in the future word spread switly like the wind of Xeor attack on the world. Many followers of Aeor begged him to stop Xornoth but he wouldn't as he mearly wanted to protect his beloved.

All was going as well as it could be in a dying world for Aeor and Morue. That was until Xeor found out about his older brothers affair.

Jealous of his siblings happiness the entire time he was suffering he decided to ruin it. This was going to be achieved through a new technique he discovered not even a week ago where he would plant a see in the victims heart slowly corrupting the from the inside.

Slow almost unnoticeable changes would appear over the course of months. Turning turning very soul dark.

Soon enough the envious Xeor planted the seed within the confines his brothers lovers heart starting the change.

In the beginning it was unnoticeable, as it should be, until Aeor finally became aware when Morue had bust into an uncharacteristic fit of anger. When asked about why he acted I'm such a strange way Morue stormed off in a huff.

Aeor followed him in secret wanting to see if he was able to sense what had changed in his beloved husband. He was. Aeor sensed his brothers corruptive presence within him and in a moment of pure instinctive anger he swore an oath to kill his brother.

So he went looking. He searched for days and nights, through tough and easy terrain, in the highest mountains and through the deepest of ocean trenches until finally after months he came upon an eye suspended in the sky balanced utop stilts of corruption tenticals, Xeor perched on top.

As the brothers greeted each other with equal amounts of seething hate and contempt and anger radiating off of them in deadly waves.

No more than ten seconds after meeting had the battle begun as forces of light and dark clashed the very balance of the world shifted coming close to ripping it in two on a multitude of occasions. The brothers attack raged on for days.

Until finaly it was won by a single stroke of luck by Aeor as he managed to sneak a seal onto Xeor sealing him away in the end never to be seen again...


Word count 982

As stated previously please leave ideas on how this can improve as it is my first fanfic also please rate out of 10 on each chapter in the comments with what I could improve on.

Thanks to augustsaunders123 for telling me Aeors brothers real name as I originally had it as Xornith lol

Might I also recommend looking up what Aeors lovers name is is different languages??? (;

Cya next week! I think?
-Bookie (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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