Chapter 58. You're Only Five Years Old And You're Saving The World

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I heard Oscar’s voice muttering quietly. At the same time, I also felt everyone’s eyes on me.

“A frog?”

Lissandro asked again. I laughed in cold sweat.

“I saw a frog leave!”

“A frog?”

“I guess not!”

I passed it off, pretending that I didn’t know anything. Then, Daddy, with a serious expression, tuck my hair behind my ear and asked tenderly.

“Mabel, are you scared of frogs?”


“Don’t worry. Dad will dry the seeds.”


There was silence. Oscar, Lissandro and the priest looked at Dad as if it were absurd. I spoke sternly to cultivate Daddy’s personality.

“Poor frogth. If frogth disappear, Daddy is a bad person.”


Dad seemed shocked, but frogs weren’t important right now. I looked at the man who introduced himself as the educational priest.

‘He’s handsome.’

His red eyes were the same color as Aiden’s, but with a different feeling. His appearance was the striking color of divine. How old was he? He didn’t look that old. How on earth did he get into the library? Security wasn’t bad since only the Royal family can enter.

There weren’t one to two things that were suspicious, but I didn’t intend to pursue it right away. It’s because I wondered if there was a reason for his signal for silence.

‘As soon as I return, I should ask the animals to watch him.’

First of all, I needed to find out what he’s here for.

“Nice to meet you, Hael. Ah’ll be in your care.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

In the library, he used the informal language without hesitation, but he felt like a completely different person now with his formal language. Plus, blonde hair and red eyes…

‘The King definitely has blond hair and red eyes too…’

There was a strange sense of incongruity. It can’t be the same person. Because it was said that Abelardo’s King was a very old grandfather. However, not only the appearance, but also the name ‘Hael,’ there were a lot of things going on.

‘Are you his grandson?’

It was when I tilted my head. The kitty, who had been lying down, jumped up, waved its tail softly and wandered around Hael.


I called to the kitty in surprise, but instead of coming back, it looked at Hael’s face openly.

‘What is it? Come back quickly.’

[Hmm. Mabel, I feel a peculiar energy from this priest.]

‘What kind of energy?’

[The amount of potential divine power… although it’s not as much as Mabel’s, it’s impressive.]


I blinked at Hael gently. Of course, our eyes met. He just stared at me without laughing or avoiding my eyes. It felt like I met those eyes before. But of course, that wasn’t possible.

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